What is in the moment EYFS planning?

Have you ever heard of in the moment EYFS planning?

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This is very simple to understand it is all about capturing the children’s current interests at that particular time. There is no need to plan in advance as this form of planning is based on what the child is doing and practitioners need to interact with the child to build on what the child is already doing (in the moment) Practitioners need the necessary skills to identify the child’s interests and know when and how to intervene to help move the child’s learning on.

For many practitioners working in childcare, this type of planning is simple and effective as it allows those crucial moments to be captured and extended there and then rather than introducing these next steps in a week or two. It is child lead and real-time planning. Children’s, current interests are identified regularly and practitioners can plan and evaluate from day to day as a pose to week by week.

EYFS Creative activity

Understanding in the moment EYFS planning allows no forward planning, you are planning in the moment experiences which are an extension of a child’s interest observed. This type of planning prevents practitioners thinking at the beginning of the week what we shall offer children today. Practitioners should initially offer core provisions and then observe children during play. Something will always spark something else so tune into what children are saying and doing as this may lead to something magical. It is important that adults incorporate teachable moments that they would like the children to learn, this can be adult let adult activities, creating a balance of adult and child lead activities. Children being offered all these experiences will make rapid progress in their development. Evidencing children’s learning is crucial, do your research as to what works best in your settings, some settings create learning stories showing the  journey children have been on with that particular interest.

Many people ask where do we start with this type of EYFS planning. The answer to this question is first start by creating core provision plans offering children the core elements of learning and then observe where the child’s takes the learning. Practitioners need to be sensitive to teachable moments and mindful of how they can extend children’s thinking. Practitioners who implement in the moment planning  will gain a strong understanding of the child’s knowledge, skills  and level of progress. For children, this will create more opportunities for making progress in one or several areas of the EYFS.

The Early Years Framework 2014 states:

“1.6. Practitioners must consider the individual needs, interests, and stage of development of each child in their care, and must use this information to plan a challenging and enjoyable experience for each child in all of the areas of learning and development.”

For in the moment EYFS planning to be effective practitioners need to regularly review both the indoor and outdoor environments and ensure these are adapted to meet the children’s level of involvement in their activity. The core areas need to be engaging, stimulating  and contain plenty of  resources.

Crucial elements to in the moment EYFS planning is quality interactions from adults, clear observations and effective ways of extending children’s thinking.

Check out this recommended book: The Nursery Year in Action: Following children’s interests through the year

We would love to hear your views on this type of planning



25 thoughts on “What is in the moment EYFS planning?”

  1. Hi,
    We are thinking of doing ‘in the moment planning’, I am finding it hard to get my head around where to start with it, so can you please e mail me your a copy of your weekly enhancement sheets please.


  2. Hello, I work in a day nursery and we already use in the moment planning. However we are currently looking to change our work sheet and adapt it a little different. Would it be possible to see me a copy of your in the moment planning to give us an idea of how to adapt ours please. Thank you!!

  3. Justine Broadhurst-Bristow

    This sounds like exactly what I should be encouraging in our Pre-K classrooms. Please would you kindly share an example or template of your enhancement sheet?
    Thank you so much!

  4. Ok, here goes….. this may seem very silly questions but feel the need to ask to make sure I am in the right track before introducing ITMP after February half term. Please (if you don’t mind) can you advise me on some of the questions I have x
    1: we are a private run nursery open all year, do any other nurseries if this type run their focused children week through the holidays ?
    2: Do or can u record wow moments on tapestry or their sheets?
    3:Has anyone got any links I can look at with regards to evidencing and backing up what we do?
    4: Has anyone dine letters to parents about changes and what should I include to make it easy to understand?
    5: Does anyone do a room plan of the environment to show changes made within this??
    Sorry for lots of questions and may seem silly ones but just need to clarify that I am in the right track. Thankyou in advance for your help ?

  5. we have always had this in our daily routine and understand that the observations and next steps are part of the proof. we use online observation and wondered if there is a paper format that can be used as evidence to file and show Ofsted and other professionals who wish to see record keeping x I have also sent for the book .

  6. I am just starting as a childminder after 12 years of early years teaching and want to implement this style of planning.
    Would anyone be kind enough to send me some examples of how it’s recorded alongside children’s learning journals?
    [email protected]

        1. Hi!
          I’ve also just found this page. Moving back into EYFS Foundation class after teaching in KS1 for a few years. Booked on Planning in the moment in October, but would be really grateful for any examples of planning/enhancement, provision and observations sheets if possible. Thanks Donna

  7. We have just implemented’ in the moment planning’ and staff have commented on two areas;
    1 – their own anxieties about ‘what to plan’ has vastly reduced. They understand what the children enjoy, are interested and engaged in, and plan an active learning environment that supports this. Staff no longer have weekly planning sheets. They now have weekly enhancement sheets, which are added to daily. This has ensured that the environment stays rich in learning opportunities.
    2 – Children’s own curiosity and problem solving abilities have grown. They are able to ‘lead’ their own learning and with staff support are building upon their own knowledge and understanding. For example, on our weekly Forest school experiences, the older children noticed the spires on the church and asked ‘what shape is that’? Staff built upon this and the children are now learning about 3 D shapes inside and outside our local environment. (these children are only 3)
    If you are thinking of starting ‘in the moment planning’ go for it. We love it and will not go back to formalized planning. 🙂

    1. Hi Mandy.
      Just been advised to give this a go. If possible could I take a peek at any planning / sheets you use to record by email

    2. katie says
      The moment of planning is about understanding the EYES practitioner by showing them how to read, write, draw and paint and others in there arts and crafts side of there learning and also to show them there new skills and to help them how to follow there interest, also to help them with there building’s and developing there new skills of what they know and don’t know, also to show them different shapes such as 2D, 3 D and other shapes and also to get them to feel of the shape and to discover there feelings towards the shapes.
      The moment of planning always allows no forward of planning that you are planning in the moment of the experiences which are an extensions of a child’s interest of observed’s.

    3. Paulette Williams

      Hi Many,

      I have just spent the last 3 hour trying to find a template that will help me to transition from a weekly planning sheet to an in the moment format. I would be grateful for any planning/enhancement or observation sheet that you are able to share.

      Kind regards
      Paulette Williams

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