Incorporating maths into Early Years

Finding ways to promote maths in Early Years

Promoting maths in the Early Years can lead to practitioners questioning themselves as to how they can do this?. Mathematical development should be promoted in most if not all areas of your continuous provision, there is no reason why when painting you cannot talk about the patterns and when building with duplo you can talk about sizes and shapes.

How does your setting demonstrate Mathematical development in the Early Years?

Some settings have a specific maths area in their room,where as others incorporate this into the others areas of the room both indoors and out. Mathematical Development is now known as one of the specific areas of the Early Years Foundation stage, however don’t forget that young children (0-2) can learn basic concepts of maths for example when playing in the sand pit you can introduce the concept of sizes big bucket small spade etc.

When concentrating on mathematical development in the Early years, there are many simple activities that can be implemented into the learning environment.  When completing your weekly planning do you plan maths activities or do you ensure mathematical development is within your continuous provision?

Have you ever thought of developing maths through the use of stories?.There are so many concepts of that be explored during stories. Check out this great book about using maths in stories.

Some ideas on how to incorporate maths into the Early Years



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