EYFS activity that incorporates sensory play

A top EYFS activity that incorporates sensory play as well as small world play

Planning EYFS activities that incorporate not just one area of learning but others as well can only be more beneficial for children. Offering rich learning experiences can help practitioners observe many areas of children’s development, creating a fuller picture of where children are at in their development.

Why not try this great activity that involves using breakfast cereals, a farm, farm animals and small world people.  This small world activity can also be a sensory activity as children can talk about the textures of the different cereals. Large tuff spots are great for this type of play as it allows children to group around the #tuffspot tray and access the resources.

Small world EYFS activity
Great small world EYFS activity that incorporates sensory play.

It can just show how simple it is to think of activities that children will be engaged in for a considerable amount of time. Also, this activity can be for all ages of children.

Children taking the lead;

During this activity children can lead the play using the resources and their skills, it can be an opportunity for adults to sit back and observe the play. An activity that allows children to initiate and take the lead in their play can help to promote many areas of their development such as developing self-confidence.

EYFS sensory play activity
A EYFS activity for all ages of children

How you decide to display this EYFS activity is your decision, it can be effective placing the tray on the floor or having it as a table top activity. They younger children will benefit from it being on the floor whereas the older may be more comfortable standing up.

Resources needed for this a EYFS sensory small world activity;

  • Black #tuffspot tray
  • Cornflakes
  • Rice crispies
  • Porridge oats
  • Farm and farm animals
  • Small world people

Prior to carrying out this activity decide on what your learning intention is and remember to look out for this in your observations.

Completion of this activity

After finishing this activity why not brainstorm ideas of other activates that incorporate other areas of learning. Make a note of what children will learn from these activities. Involve children’s interests in your brainstorming as this will help you incorporate children’s next steps of learning.

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