Statutory requirement checklist for early years settings

 Checklist for early years settings

This list does not cover every requirement of the EYFS, so refer the statutory framework.



Section 1-The Learning and Development Requirements.

Are you observing each child to find out about their needs, interests and ideas?

Do you use these observations to inform future plans for the child?

Do you have suitable procedures in place to support children with English as an additional language?

Do you ensure that there is a balance of adult led and child initiated activities delivered through indoor and outdoor play?

Section 2-Assessment

Are you completing the progress check at age 2 and sharing this with parents?

Do you have written consent to share information with other relevant professionals?

Section 3- The Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements,  Child Protection.

Who is your designated safeguarding lead? Name

Is there an effective safeguarding children policy and procedure in place that includes allegations against members of staff and the use of mobile phones and cameras in the setting?

Do you have a copy of your Local Safeguarding Children’s Board procedure to be followed if you have any child welfare concerns?

Have all staff attended Child Protection training level 1?

Suitable people

Does everyone who has unsupervised contact with children have an enhanced Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) check, also those living or working on the premises when children are present?

Do all the adults looking after the setting children have appropriate qualifications, training, skills and knowledge?

Do you keep records of staff training?

Are staff inductions, regular supervision and appraisals carried out? Is there a programme of continuing professional development in place?

Is there at least one person who has a current Local Authority approved Paediatric First Aid certificate on the premises at all times and on all outings?

Does the setting operate an effective Key Person Approach and parents are aware of their role?

Are staffing arrangements organised to meet legal ratio requirements and the needs of the children?


Do you keep accident/incident/medication records?

Do you have a policy on administering medicines?

Do you have written permission to administer both prescription and non-prescription medication?

Is fresh drinking water available and accessible for all children at all times?

Do all staff involved in preparing and handling food receive training in food hygiene?

Are First Aid boxes adequately stocked and items in date? And accessible at all times, e.g outdoors.

Managing behaviour p26

Do all staff and adults in contact with the child manage children’s behaviour in an appropriate way?

Do you always record occasions where physical intervention is used and inform parents/carers on the same day?

Safety and suitability of premises, environment and equipment

Do you have a health and safety policy and procedures?

Do you have an emergency evacuation procedure and is it practised with the children and logged?

Do you have a no smoking policy?

Do you provide access to an outdoor area? If this is not possible do you have outdoor activities planned and taken on a daily basis?

Do you have suitable facilities where children can relax, play quietly or sleep?

Do you have an area where staff may talk to parents/carers confidentially?

Do you have an area where staff can take breaks away from the children?

Do you have Public Liability insurance for the provision?

Do you take all reasonable steps to ensure staff and children in your care are not exposed to risks? Can you demonstrate how you are managing risks and can you identify when some risk assessments must be written?

Have you considered how you keep children safe whilst on outings, including the adult child ratio and permission from parents?

Special Educational Needs and Disability

Who is the named SENCo ? Name:

What training has your SENCo attended? Relevant Training:

Are you following the 2014 SEN code of practice?

Have you arrangements in place to support children with SEN or disabilities?

Information and Records

If the children attend other settings, is there a regular two-way flow of information between you and the other setting? Do you have written permission from parents to share information with other settings the child may attend?

Are your records easily accessible and available for inspection at all times?

Are you aware of your responsibilities under the Data Protection Act including registration with the Information Commissioner’s Office?

Do you record all child’s information  including who has parental responsibility for the child?

Do you make available to parents all policies and procedures?

Do you have a written procedure for dealing with concerns and complaints?

Do you keep a complaints record and a log of the outcomes?

Do you have the Ofsted parents’ poster and is it displayed for parents to see? Is it the most up to date poster?

Do you keep a daily record of the children looked after on the premises and their hours of attendance

Is your Registration Certificate displayed?

Are you aware of the instances throughout the framework in which you must notify Ofsted, and where failure to comply will commit an offence?

Non statutory requirements

Do you have a copy of, or online access to the Statutory Framework for Early Years Foundation Stage 2014

Have you completed your Ofsted Self Evaluation Form or any other method of Self Evaluation? Does this include reference to you previous Ofsted actions?

Do you have a person with specific responsibility for CLL?


Do you have written permissions from parents for seeking or administering emergency first aid? (This should be within policies and procedures for emergencies)




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