Do early years settings need a named person for behaviour?


Q – “Do Early Years settings need to have a named person for Behaviour? I seem to recall reading this somewhere but can’t find it now. I know in Statutory Framework it says settings need to be responsible for managing behaviour but it doesn’t say if you needed named person.”


A – “We have a named coordinator for this”

A – “That was the EYES 2008 requirement which was dropped. However, having someone with specific training and up to date knowledge around identifying, tracking and addressing challenging behaviour is still good practice.”

A – “For consideration of best practice Yes! There are many things that get relaxed or dropped but I wouldn’t necessarily not to them anymore just because of that! Yes. & a policy so all practitioners know collectively how to deal with situations as well as inform parents when needed”

A – “Apparently not, I’ve checked this recently and there is no documentation that states we do. I’ve also checked with our child support officer and senco”

A – “The requirement was dropped however it is still good practice”

A – “There is no requirement to even have a policy on this anymore.”

A – “At the last review of the EYFS this requirement was taken out so you no longer HAVE to have a named person”

A – “Yes we do”



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