Q – “I was just wondering if anyone had any advice on apprentices in a new nursery who are expecting an ofsted inspection, and what to expect? “
A – “If you are new to your role you may be asked questions regarding your training and induction to the setting”
A – “We are in the middle of an OFSTED inspection & all new staff were expected to have their induction booklet to hand in case the inspector asked to speak to them. They will want to know that you have had a full and robust induction with training relating to policies and procedures in safeguarding predominantly.”
A – “If you haven’t received policy and procedures or an induction and ofsted come in and ask should you straight up say no I don’t know or try to sugar coat the fact you haven’t or don’t know? Sounds stupid but obviously if the setting fails wouldn’t management be cross if you’ve thrown them under the bus so to say?”
A – “Outdoor play/ physical activities 3 hours a day, FGM, safeguarding, Prevent duty, EYFS, planning and assessment”
A – “That ofsted will target them, Prevent duty, Safeguarding are two key things at the mo”
A – “We had ours last week and they didn’t even talk to our apprentice”
lisa smith says
My stepdaughter started an apprenticeship with a childcare company, the contract start date was 17th April 2018, however it also stated, continuous employment from 26th March 2018, with no end date.
There was a recent ofsted visit, which the owner was not present at, but my stepdaughter was along with other more experienced staff. Apparently this did not go well, my stepdaughter was asked questions and was unable to answer some things. A low score was given.
Soon after my stepdaughter (apprentice) took holiday (after her probation period), but was told not to come back to work and the owner would text her when she needed her. She was then told that she should go part time and go to college, followed by an official termination of contract, during which she was entirely blamed for low ofsted marks which would stay on the business records for years ,,,, she was then told she would still be allowed to work as and when needed on minimum wage (not as an apprentice despite not being qualified)
I am at a loss as to who to ask if this treatment has been legal? all research so far has pointed to NO! Please advise,,. my stepdaughter lacks confidence and did not know if she had any legal rights, I have heard that this company has been closed before….
I would appreciate any feedback
Many thanks