Kimberley EYC

Early Years Management
Kimberley EYC

Common question and answers for early years practitioners

Some of the most common questions asked by early years practitioners? As many of you are aware here at Early Years Careers we hold a question and answer evening for one hour, twice a week. We do this on a Tuesday and Thursday evening, our followers send in questions which

Enabling Environment
Kimberley EYC

Why all settings should have a calm down corner

What is a calm down corner? A calm down corner is a really simple but often highly effective area where children can take a break from the commotion of the learning environment and have some time to calm down. Often used for children with SEND or behaviour management problems but

Enabling Environment
Kimberley EYC

Every setting should have golden rules!

What are golden rules? Golden rules are a set of rules which are followed across the whole setting and are based on positive behaviour. These are great for setting shared expectations with all practitioners, parents and children. Having shared expectations across the setting is incredibly important for continuity and so

Enabling Environment
Kimberley EYC

How can I improve practice in my setting?

Is my early years setting outstanding? Having an outstanding setting and practice is something many early years settings aim to achieve in order to ensure children are getting the best possible start and to achieve the highest possible outcomes. When you have been in the same setting for a long

Enabling Environment
Kimberley EYC

Promoting diversity and supporting dual language children

How can I support diversity and dual language families? As a practitioner who only speaks one language, it can often be difficult to support children and families who speak dual languages and promote diversity within the setting without being too tokenistic. Tokenistic means to simply appear to be supporting diversity

Enabling Environment
Kimberley EYC

Why you should have a parent board

Does my setting need a parent board? A parent board is a fantastic resource to have to build strong parent partnerships. Depending on the way they are used and the information shared they enable practitioners to share all the daily details that parents can quickly check and means that practitioners

Early Years Management
Kimberley EYC

Why in-house training is so beneficial

Why you should complete regular in-house training With budgets in early years setting putting more and more strain on finances, it can be very difficult to offer the training to practitioners that you would like to because there simply is not the funds to do so. Training and upskilling are

Learning and Development
Kimberley EYC

Managing whole group behaviour

Different behaviour management methods Recently here at EYC we have had a lot of practitioners getting in touch asking for support and advice in handling group behaviour and behaviour management. A common complaint at the moment seems to be the general behaviour of a whole class/group/room of children rather than

Latest News
Kimberley EYC

FGM figures still high!

Latest figures show a large number of newly reported FGM cases FGM stands for Female Genital Mutilation and this is the deliberate cutting of the female genitals for no medical reason. This is illegal in the United Kingdom and has been since 1985, however because of deep traditional and cultural

Learning and Development
Kimberley EYC

What makes a good learning journal?

Are your learning journals outstanding and relevant? Learning journals vary greatly from setting to setting and commonly many learning journals are now completed through online apps and websites. As there is no clear set way of completing a learning journal it can sometimes be difficult to judge what should be

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