Kimberley EYC

Learning and Development
Kimberley EYC

Encouraging Preschool Independence

7 activities that can support independence in preschool children Developing independence is a vital factor in a child’s development, and supports preschool children in becoming school ready. The Early Years Foundation Stage supports independence stating that every child should learn resilience, confidence and self-assurance. Young children often enjoy gaining independence in everyday tasks

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Kimberley EYC

Report reveals children with disabilities are ‘missing out’ on play opportunities

Children with disabilities are facing difficulty accessing vital play opportunities due to ‘severe restrictions’   The deafblind charity SENSE have released a report of children living with disabilities and have identified failings at every level result in missed opportunities for children with disabilities. The report follows a three month public inquiry

Learning and Development
Kimberley EYC

Supporting children’s hand eye coordination

Simple activities to help develop young children’s hand eye coordination Developing a child’s hand eye coordination is vital in supporting their early physical development. This is when the child’s eyes are able to judge distance and their surroundings, whilst their brain gives the instruction for their hand to make a

Enabling Environment
Kimberley EYC

Supporting transition for children with English as an Additional Language

Top tips on making a children’s transition smooth Starting nursery can be a difficult time for children who have English as an Additional Language. Early Years settings should try to make this transition as smooth as possible for both the child and their family, yet how can this be achieved? Here are

Enabling Environment
Kimberley EYC

10 Great ways to use a Tuff Spot

There are endless ways to use a Tuff spot, here are some fun ideas to extend the children’s sensory experience. Tuff spots are a great way for all children to explore a range of activities and materials at a low level.  Babies and preschool aged children can explore resources in

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Kimberley EYC

New advert set to help parents perform baby CPR

First Aid advert created by St Johns Ambulance When a baby is in need of emergency medical treatment such as CPR, it can be hard to remember exactly what to do. St Johns Ambulance aims to help adults in remembering the steps to performing baby CPR using an easy to

SEND Support
Kimberley EYC

Supporting the 5 stages of Language Development

Helpful tips in supporting the five stages of Language and Communication development in children. Language and communication is vital in a child’s healthy development. There are 5 stages of language, with each stage acting as a building block. Social Communication is paramount in developing communication, building secure relationships from birth and supporting

Enabling Environment
Kimberley EYC

Extending role play to the outdoors

4 Great ways to help extend role play outdoors Outdoor provision is important in children’s development allowing them to use their whole body to explore their natural surroundings. Role play activities are usually offered inside with home corners and dressing up clothes but how can this be extended to the outside

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Kimberley EYC

Should nurseries have compulsory sleep times?

Do nurseries options of sleep times meet the needs of all children that attend nursery? There has been much debate as to whether children should be put down for a sleep during the day whilst at nursery. Some parents encourage their children to have a daily nap, however other parents

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Kimberley EYC

Physical Development ideas for under twos

Top advice on how to implement the EYFS ‘Prime’ area in your under two’s room Physical Development is a prime area of development under the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). It is divided into two areas; Moving and Handling and Health and Self Care. It is important to ensure children’s

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