Kimberley EYC

Early Years Management
Kimberley EYC

How the early years waste money creating their own products

Do you waste money without realising it? Early years settings require lots of paperwork and paper based resources for a variety of reasons. Some are necessary for management, safety, learning and development, room layout, behaviour management etc. These can be purchased through a variety of early years resource shops such

Enabling Environment
Kimberley EYC

Make your sand area outstanding

How to enhance your sand area Sand trays/tables/pits have become an expected thing to see in many early years settings. This is because o a huge wealth of learning to come from children’s natural enjoyment of playing in the sand. Not only is it great for mathematics but also communication

Learning and Development
Kimberley EYC

Why all settings should use story sacks

What are the benefits of story sacks? Using story sacks in your Early Years Setting is an excellent way to create and sustain an interest in books. Children enjoy fun and interactive activities, and this is a perfect way to allow children to be more hands on during story time,

Latest News
Kimberley EYC

Early Years Resources now sold in Early Years Careers new shop

Early Years Careers Launch new shop – Piggledots Early Years Careers are incredibly excited and proud to announce the launch of our brand new early years resources shop ‘Piggledots’ The demand for the early years resources and products created and sold by early years careers has rapidly increased over the past few months

Careers in Childcare
Kimberley EYC

What are my options after completing an early years degree

Career choices after completing an early years degree Here at early years careers, we are always being asked to offer advice and suggestions for possible career choices once completing a degree. Once a degree is completed students can often feel like they have landed at a crossroads and the career

Enabling Environment
Kimberley EYC

Why you should create a sensory garden

The benefits of a sensory garden The term sensory garden may seem strange as the outdoors environment is already a naturally sensory rich environment. However, because of this it is incredibly easy to enhance and can become a space enjoyed by all in the early years especially younger children and

Enabling Environment
Kimberley EYC

Introducing real tools in the early years

Could you introduce real tools in your setting? A previous article published by early years careers discussed how real tools are gaining more and more popularity in the early years over the usual lightweight plastic tools. As with anything in the early years, first-hand real play experiences have so much

Enabling Environment
Kimberley EYC

How to improve your creative area

Making your creative area outstanding Creative area’s in early years settings all tend to contain very similar resources making it sometimes difficult to make the area seem special and unique. With this in mind, it is more the presentation and the accessibility of the resources rather than the actual resources

Enabling Environment
Kimberley EYC

What is a provocation?

Do you know what a provocation is? This a term which has recently been circling early years forums and social media pages, however, this is actually an old term that originates from the Reggio approach. The most simple way to explain a provocation is something that provokes and invites learning,

Learning and Development
Kimberley EYC

Should the early years stop messy food play?

Do you think the early years should stop messy food play? Messy play and messy food play have played a large role in early years development and learning for many, many years. This is because of the sensory benefits and because all seven areas of the early year’s foundation stage

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