How to become an NVQ Assessor


Advice on becoming an NVQ Assessor

An NVQ assessor will support and assess learners written and hands-on practice; they help students gain their qualification they are training for. NVQ assessors will work closely with the candidate, arrange times to come out and observe them in the working environment. They will provide feedback to both the candidate and the workplace. NVQ assessors will adhere to the standards they are given by the awarding body. It can also be the NVQ assessors responsibility to take training workshops and programmes.

Qualifications needed to become an NVQ assessor

To assess and train students assessors must have an A1 Assessor TAQA or CAVA award. These awards have replaced the assessment qualifications D32 and D33.

What is training is included in the CAVA award

The L3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement (CAVA)  is the only qualification that will qualify you to the same level as the A1 Award. Included in this award are three units;

Unit 1 – Understanding the principles and practices of assessment
Unit 2 – Assess occupational competence in the work environment
Unit 3 – Assess vocational skills, knowledge and understanding

This course is sometimes referred to as TAQA

On completion of training there are numerous subjects NVQ assessors can assess in such as 

  • Health and Social Care
  • Childcare and Early Years 
  • Catering
  • Hospitality





21 thoughts on “How to become an NVQ Assessor”

  1. Please can I get some support in ways I can get into the role. Experience is letting me down but I do have the qualification and I have ben a manager? . Thank you

    Kind regards

  2. I want to have 20 NVQ assessors, how can i do it. I am working in manufacturing and i have many thousand of technician who are not qualified NVQ, however, they are qualified localy and i want them to be internationally qualified. I have many site abroad.

  3. I have 20 years experience as a nursery highest qualification is foundation degree in early years.i would like to become an early years assessor.please can you tell me what other qualification indeed to have in order to be qualified as an assessor for level 1,2,3 thankyou

  4. Hi,

    I currently work in a nursery as a senior nursery nurse, I have a degree (level 6) in Early Childhood Studies and I am currently doing a CAVA course to become an NVQ assessor. Looking at jobs for when I qualify, most jobs are looking for experienced childcare assessors. Does anybody know how you can gain experience? As no job is offering newly qualified NVQ assessors. If somebody could give me some ideas I would be very grateful. Also if anybody is looking at taking an assessor course I would highly recommend Brooks and Kirk. They are fab.


  5. I have worked within the early years and young person industry since I was 16 I am now 31, I have worked in schools and nurseries as TA’s, nursery nurse and senior nursery nurse, and within children centres as children centre worker, supporting families and children aged 0-8 years as well as within Muti Agency Teams as working with children and young people aged 0-19 years. I hold at BTEC in Early Years and I have a BA hons in Early Years. I am looking into becoming an early years assessor within Derby area and want to know if this is doable without a teaching qualification and if I am able to carry out the training qualification at home?

  6. I have worked within the early years and young person industry since I was 16 I am now 31, I have worked in schools and nurseries as TA’s, nursery nurse and senior nursery nurse, and within children centres as children centre worker, supporting families and children aged 0-8 years as well as within Muti Agency Teams as working with children and young people aged 0-19 years. I hold at BTEC in Early Years and I have a BA hons in Early Years. I am looking into becoming an early years assessor within Derby area and want to know if this is doable without a teaching qualification and if I am able to carry out the training qualification at home?

  7. Hello,
    My name is Sharon and my background as an early years educator makes me very interested in this post. I trained to become an assessor just over a year ago through Brooks and Kirk. The training has definitely impacted on mine and my families lives as I was lucky enough to be offered a job with Brooks and Kirk on completion of my qualification. Totally life changing. I find the my role as an assessor very rewarding so I would personally recommend this career path.

  8. I am a primary school teacher with 23 years experience. I am looking to retrain & become an NVQ assessor in chil care what pathway do I need to take to be able to do this?

  9. I am just finishing my degree and I am thinking of becoming an assessor. Could you please send me more information on where I can complete the course.
    Thank you

  10. Hi I am a qualified teacher with 5 years experience in Early years and I would like to become an assessor. Any advice on who to take a course with?

  11. Hi
    I am at present a nursery manager and am looking in to becoming an early years nvq assessor. I hold my level 3 nvq and also my foundation degree in early years. Would I qualify to do your course and would this lead me into the field or are more qualifications required. Also are these two day straight courses and will you have more running in the new year
    Many thanks

  12. I have had over ten years of experience of working with the EYFS framework. I did not gain my GCSEs in English and Maths, however, I completed the key skills in English and Maths when I carried out Business and Mangement at GNVQ level.

    Would I be able to carry our this course?

    Thank You.

    Kathleen Adhen.

  13. Francoise Fourmond

    Hello ,

    Could you please send me links to websites organising L3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement (CAVA)

  14. I want to do the assessors award I am level 6 qualified in early years/ pttls / trained a njmbef of apprentices in the work place I want to have this qualification to keep my options open .

  15. Hi I am currently doing my BA childhood studies graduate next year and am interested in pursuing a career as an NVQ assessor. Could you please provide me with information on how I would access the course for this.

  16. Hi, I am level 3 EYE Qualified since march this year, currently working as a senior Nursery practitioner and pre school room leader and have recently began doing my Foundation degree in EY services. I am however very interested in becoming an NVQ assessor and is something I would be willing to pay for alongside my current studies. The company who trained me for my Level 3 require me to have held my level 3 for a minimum of 18months which I have not yet done. Can you advise of any companies which will train me without requiring a minimum length of time to have held my current qualification?

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