Other childcare career options

 What other childcare career options are there?

Many people that are thinking of embarking on a career in childcare first think about working in a nursery, however there are other options to consider.


A nanny is someone who looks after a child in the family’s house. Some nannies have the option of living in. This job can involve many roles and responsibilities it could involve dropping and collecting older siblings from school or it could be looking after a child who requires additional support. When taking on a nanny job it is important to find out what is expected of you and have this written down in the form of your job roles and responsibilities. For some people who become a nanny this is the perfect job, whereas others prefer working in a team.

Working in a hospital as a play worker

A person who is deciding on this childcare career route must check to see if they need further experience or qualifications. This job will require employees to work with sick children and their siblings in hospital. This job can be very rewarding but there may be times when it can get tough; however having that supportive team close by really helps.

Crèche Worker

This job would involve looking after children for short periods of time and 9 times out of 10 parents will be on the premises.

Community Nursery Nurse

A community nursery nurse will work closely with families and children within the local community.  It will involve visiting families at home to offer support and advice. If you think this is the job for you double check what qualifications and experience you require first.



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