Top Tips on searching for a nursery manager

Searching for a nursery manager

Are you searching for a nursery manager for your early years setting? This can be a difficult post to fill as it comes with high levels of responsibility, however, advertising a nursery manager position through our Jobs board can make the task of finding the perfect nursery manager for your setting easier.

Reasons to advertise nursery manager positions through early years careers

Simple – When adding a job to the site it gives you a simple form to fill in, this ensures you have placed all the necessary information into successfully advertise your job vacancy such as whether it is a full-time nursery job or a part time preschool job

Free – It is totally free to add any early years jobs so if you have other positions that filling add them too! There is no limit on a number of jobs you can add unlike some other jobs boards

Targeted – Early years careers is a dedicated site to advertising specifically for those working in the early year’s sector.

Large following – Early years careers have a huge following on its website, and social media pages are meaning some of the best employees in the early year’s sector will see your jobs ads. These nursery managers and practitioners access the site on a daily basis to keep up to date with the latest news, early years best practice and legislation changes, so you are advertising to a skilful and knowledgeable set of practitioners and managers.

When searching for a nursery manager remember…

Be patient – Finding the best manager for your setting is crucial so feel pressurised into choosing the first applicant, advertise early to give you the best chance of finding the perfect person for the post.

Experience – Ensure whoever you interview has the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to run the setting and lead a team of practitioners. Meeting all Ofsted regulations and keeping up to date with legislation changes

Salary – Consider making the post as appealing as possible by offering the best salary you can. A good nursery manager can make or break a setting so ensure you get the best by paying wisely.

Qualifications – Ensure you have stated the qualification you would like your nursery manager to hold. This will save time on applicants who do not have the relevant skills and qualifications you require.



1 thought on “Top Tips on searching for a nursery manager”

  1. I am looking for a nursery manager and staff for my daycare center in Colchester Essex. Please help me to find a good manager. Thank you

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