Early Years Practice

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Kimberley EYC

Large group sizes causing problems in the Early Years

Large group sizes are causing problems in the early years Group sizes and setting sizes seem to getting larger and larger as the demand for childcare rises as more parents are making the decision to go back to work. Recent changes enforced by the government such as benefit reductions and

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Kimberley EYC

8 child friendly Halloween activities for the Early Years

8 great Halloween activity ideas for the under 5’s Halloween is a fun time of the year for children and adults to enjoy, with many Early Years settings choosing to celebrate this time of year with crafts, cooking activities, dressing up and parties. Celebrating Halloween is often disputed in the

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Kimberley EYC

Should Early Years settings celebrate Halloween?

Should early years settings celebrate Halloween? Halloween is something which is often debated in the early years as some have strong beliefs that it should not be celebrated whereas others feel it should be celebrated within settings. There is no right or wrong choice and it is often left down

Early Years Practice
Kimberley EYC

Signing in the Early Years

Why early years settings should sign with children daily Children in the early years often develop cognitive thinking before speech meaning they know exactly what they want; yet because their language skills are not yet at the same level are often unable to communicate these. This can cause frustration and

Early Years Practice

Amount of paperwork in childcare is forever increasing

Do you agree paperwork in childcare is increasing? Paperwork in childcare has been top of the agenda in Early years for a long time, with new guidelines and professionals focusing on cutting down the amount of paperwork that is needed. Somehow for those involved in the childcare sector paperwork levels seem

Early Years Practice

Why parent partnerships are so important

How to evidence parent partnerships Parent partnerships are key to a successful early years experience for children and for them to gain the most out of their early education and reach expected levels of development. This responsibility usually falls to the key person to ensure an effective relationship is built

Early Years Practice

Developing a smooth transition into school

Creating a smooth transition to school Transitions can be difficult for many children and it is important to be aware that some are more vulnerable compared to others. Creating a smooth transition into school is vital to ensuring the child gets the best possible start in their new setting. There

Early Years Management

Why every childcare practitioner should have safeguarding training

The importance of safeguarding training Safeguarding children is one of the most important aspects of childcare and an area that no setting should be getting wrong. The consequences of inadequately trained practitioners can be tremendous with children’s security and well-being being in the firing line if mistakes are made. It

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Are you joining in National Messy Dais?

National Messy Dais Thursday 5th July 2016 Come along and join in National Messy Dais.  It is a messy fun day to share best practice up and down the country. There is no reason why parents and grandparents can’t get involved. A resource pack has been put together containing messy

Early Years Practice
Kimberley EYC

Is there too much pressure on nurseries?

Do you agree nursery practitioners are under pressure to juggle many aspects of their job role?   School readiness Nurseries are under lots of pressure to get children ready for school. There is no official definition for school readiness. However, it is the responsibility of nursery practitioners to make sure

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