Early Years Practice

Early Years Practice

Why create a sensory room in your nursery

 Benefits of having a sensory Room Many people think you have to have a large area and lots of resources to create a sensory room, when it fact this isn’t true. Sensory Rooms can be created on a budget and using very little space. Sensory rooms are all about offering

Early Years Practice

Top tips on storytelling

 Try these top tips when reading a story Reading to children of all ages should happen on a daily basis; it is an important element that helps children learn those vital early literacy skills and help develop an interest in reading.Storytelling has been around for many years and all children

Early Years Practice

Supporting children with SEND during the Christmas period

Helping children enjoy Christmas It is important to understand how children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities perceive Christmas traditions. For some children this time of year can be very stressful and can led to them feeling very anxious. Putting up a Christmas tree. As we know many children can’t

Early Years Practice

Use Christmas to focus on Mark making

 Ideas on how to use Christmas to focus on mark making Christmas is the time where children can be writing letters to Father Christmas or Christmas cards to their loved ones or designing their own bauble. There are many other mark making opportunities that can be incorporated into the learning

Early Years Practice

5 top tips to help children enjoy drawing and painting

 How to make drawing and painting fun Some children enjoy drawing and painting than others, therefore it is important to help those that are less reluctant. Children are more likely to enjoy drawing and painting if they are interested and feel comfortable doing so. Make sure you provide children with

Early Years Practice

5 painting and drawing activities for children

  Offering children a variety of activities to support painting and drawing can help them learn different skills. If children were just given pencils to draw with they wouldn’t learn new ways of making marks with other implements. Children can make marks with a wide range of resources not just

Early Years Practice

Stages of children’s drawings

Looking at the stages of children’s drawings Children will often show more ease when drawing rather than painting, this is due to children developing control in using those mark making implements. However it is just as important to ensure children are given the opportunity to explore paint as they enjoy

Early Years Practice

What is drawing and painting?

Helping practitioners understand what is drawing and painting   Children from a young age will enjoy marking those early marks. For the young children it is all about supporting and providing them with the appropriate resources to enable them to make makes. When children are around two they will begin

Early Years Practice

Sharing early years best practice

Interactive approach to sharing early years best practice All early years settings who want to strive to be outstanding will know the importance of developing and sharing early years best practice. An effective way to do this is during a monthly practitioner workshop. If you have read our previous articles

Early Years Practice

Early Writing Skills

Early Writing Skills – How to start your child’s writing skills by Danny Lydon A child’s development of early writing skills doesn’t start the first time they pick up a crayon, there are behaviours and physical elements of development that need to take place to support their fine motor movements.

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