Early Years Practice

Early Years Practice

Supporting children’s Mathematical Development in Nursery

Easy and simple ways to support children’s Mathematical development in Nursery For some practitioner’s planning mathematical activities can have it challenges. Having a clear understanding of what maths is can really help when it comes to providing those quality maths experiences. It is not always about ensuring you are offering

Early Years Practice

Sensory Play in the Early Years

 Why sensory play can be beneficial for children’s development Sensory play allows children to use all their senses, it is great way for children of all ages to learn about different textures as well as using their noses to determine what it smells like. For children, sensory play is about

Early Years Practice

The confusion of handwriting and writing

What is the difference between handwriting and writing? For those working in the early years the difference between handwriting and writing is more clearly understood however for parents this can sometimes be more confusing. Learning to write is of course linked to handwriting, forming letters.  In early years writing is known

Early Years Practice

Creating an effective assessment system

Ways to help create an effective assessment system It is highly important to have an effective assessment system in place to not only show children’s progress but to highlight the necessary changes that are to be made to the environment to meet the needs of the children. New terminology used

Early Years Practice

The adults role in enhancing continuous provision

How can adults enhance the early years continuous provision? As we have explored in previous articles the benefits to creating a more effective continuous provision environment in the early years are vast. Now you have taken a continuous provision approach to your early years environment you may be wondering what the adults

Early Years Practice
Kimberley EYC

Planning for mixed aged groups

Top tips for planning with mixed aged groups Planning for a mixed aged group can be difficult with such varying ages, stages and abilities. However regardless of the age of the child each learning journey should be individual to each child. To help with this from of planning practitioners may

Early Years Practice
Kimberley EYC

Why get involved in the community this Christmas?

The benefits of getting involved in the community A large part of childhood is exploring and understanding the world around them and within the EYFS there is an area which concentrates on this. There is a lot children can when given the opportunity to get involved in the local community.

Early Years Practice
Kimberley EYC

Creating a communication friendly environment

What is a communication friendly environment? When working in an early years setting it is a very common to think that everywhere should be filled with bright colours, hanging materials, 3D displays, print, text, images, posters and media. Also many practitioner fill silence by having a variety of music playing

Early Years Practice
Kimberley EYC

The importance of giving children a voice

Giving children a choice is so important in the early years and this is reflected through the EYFS documents. Not only does it support best practice and show you are promoting the EYFS outcomes, meeting the every child matters outcomes but also shows you are meeting children’s rights. Allowing children

Early Years Practice

Why secure relationships can help children’s development

Can secure and trusting relationships have an impact on children’s development? Relationships are an important aspect of anyone’s life, and they are built up with those around us whom we care about and trust. Children’s relationships start to build from birth, from skin to skin contact as a baby all

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