A balancing act – teaching and play, no one way
A balancing act – teaching and play, no one way – overview introduction This video shows examples of good practice in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).
A balancing act – teaching and play, no one way – overview introduction This video shows examples of good practice in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).
Is Facebook a line that shouldn’t be crossed with parents? Facebook is arguably the most popular and widely used social media platform with the majority of individuals holding an account and using it daily. It is a great way to share your thoughts, photos and opinions with the outside world
Why supporting EAL is not all about cultural diversity Many practitioners will have some experience of working with children who have English as an Additional Language and can offer strategies on how to support them; however there is much dispute on the value of support offered to bilingual children in
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Childcare can be a rewarding yet demanding career, however more and more professionals are getting out. Here are the 5 top reasons practitioners leave childcare. Paperwork The strain of never ending paperwork is beginning to take its toll on Early Years practitioners. The introduction of the revised EYFS intended to
Mealtimes are an important part of the day for children, enabling them to build on all areas of their development. Physical development Mealtimes give children the opportunity to build on their physical development, strengthening their fine and gross motor skills. Manipulating cutlery can support children to develop fine motor skills;
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Do you agree paperwork in childcare is increasing? Paperwork in childcare has been top of the agenda in Early years for a long time, with new guidelines and professionals focusing on cutting down the amount of paperwork that is needed. Somehow for those involved in the childcare sector paperwork levels seem
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Creating a smooth transition to school Transitions can be difficult for many children and it is important to be aware that some are more vulnerable compared to others. Creating a smooth transition into school is vital to ensuring the child gets the best possible start in their new setting. There
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