EYFS Practice Books

EYFS Practice Books

Resources to Promote British values in the Early Years

Using children’s story books to promote British values As part of promoting British Values practitioners should promote diverse attitudes and challenge stereotypes, this can be done through sharing stories that reflect and value the diversity of children’s experiences.  Children’s story books are a great way to create discussion opportunities. It is

EYFS Practice Books

100 Ideas for Early Years Practitioners: Outdoor Play

100 Outdoor play Ideas for the Early Years All children benefit from outdoor play, this should be integrated into routines to allow children the opportunity to access fresh air. This book will help practitioners with outdoor play activities and practical advice on managing and evaluating the setting The outdoor provision

EYFS Practice Books

Risk, Challenge and Adventure in the Early Years

Risk, Challenge and Adventure in the Early Years: A practical guide to exploring and extending learning outdoors This practical guide explains what children learn from taking risks outdoors and how practitioners can provide safe learning opportunities for children outdoors. Most children enjoy seeking out challenges and taking risks outdoors, this

EYFS Practice Books

Continuous Provision: the skills

A book to help practitioners understand more about Continuous Provision This book is to help practitioners understand how children learn through the right provisions and stimulations. It breaks down these skills into levels (top, middle, emergent), the book explains that in every area of continuous provision there are pure skills that

EYFS Practice Books

How to develop a Forest School

The book ‘Developing a Forest School in Early Years Provision’ explains what forest school is and where it originated from. It explains how to involve practitioners and parents and the steps needed to implement forest school sessions . This training manual gives suggestions on how settings can organise their forest

EYFS Practice Books

Great book to promote Physical Development in the Early Years

Time to Move by Trudi Fitzhenry is an essential book promoting Physical Development As Physical Development is very much linker with a child’s future success, it is important that practitioners are knowledgeable about this area of learning. With out good coordination, core stability and gross motor skills the fine motors needed

Early Years Practice

Books on best practice in the Early Years

Here is a collection of books that will help practitioners to implement best practice in the Early Years.                                         

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