

The Connection Between Early Childhood Education and Nursing: How Healthcare and Childcare Intersect

The fields of early childhood education and nursing may seem distinct at first glance, yet they share critical intersections that highlight the importance of comprehensive care and education for young children. Professionals in early childhood settings frequently encounter health-related challenges, making basic medical knowledge and collaboration with healthcare professionals essential.


Early Years Careers & Piggledots are BACK!!

Davlic Media Ltd has now taken over Early Years Careers and Piggledots projects.  Many years ago Davlic Media Ltd worked closely with the previous company that owned the Early Years Careers and Piggledots sites and has always been working in the background, so we know what is needed and what

Making Sense of Play

Making sense of play by playing games learning new skills and experimenting by enjoying organised activities, help develop essential early skills. There is a wide range of toys and equipment to suit all ages to support teaching, but effective planned activities are essential. Playtime Is a Significant Learning Time For

Dealing With Faddish Eaters

Unfortunately faddish eaters are part and parcel of nursery life. By thirteen months, a toddler should be able to drink from a cup and may be able to use a spoon or fork themselves. Eating food is a sensorial experience, and so the earlier you start toddlers trying new foods,

Early Years Management
Kimberley EYC

Why can’t my practitioners just be friendly to each other?

Helpful advice on how to Sort conflict out between staff  Unfortunately, in the early years, a common complaint is of practitioners being hurtful to one another and not getting along. Many believe this is down to many settings being single sex or majority sex teams; this is thought to be

Early Years Management
Kimberley EYC

Why managers should ask ‘on the spot’ questions daily

Why early years managers should ask ‘on the spot’ questions daily Asking on the spot questions to practitioners on a daily basis should be part of regular best practice. This is not something which should be seen as daunting or intimidating for practitioners but instead general questions regarding policy, procedure

Early Years Management
Kimberley EYC

Signs of a great early years manager

Signs of a great Early Years Manager An early years manager plays a crucial role in an early years setting, and they are one of the most influential people in any early years setting. They create policies, procedures, manage practitioners, deal with parents, manage accounts and ensure everyone is doing

Early Years Business

Ways to help your childcare setting save money

Could you do with some advice on how to save your childcare setting some money? Do you find yourself spending a considerable of money each month and then thinking about how you could save yourself a few pennies? Saving your childcare setting a few pounds each month could help you to buy them

Supporting children with eal
Early Years Training

Supporting children with EAL

Ways to support children with EAL There are more and more children attending early years settings with EAL. This can cause challenges for early years practitioners. For practitioners working in early years there are many factors to consider first of all one being that The Early Years Framework states that

using natural materials in the early years
Early Years Training

Using natural materials in the environment

Why use natural and reclaimed materials? Some settings are inspired by the Reggio Approach and use natural materials in their environment. The reason why settings use these resources is because they are open ended. They also lead to children using their creativity whilst learning rather than creating an end product or

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