FAQS Human Resources

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Kimberley EYC

Break entitlement in a pre school setting

Question Q – “I am new to working in a Pre school so am unaware of how they normally run. So I work 9-3 and we don’t get breaks. We eat at the same time the kids do with the children sat in the same room supervising them. We are also

FAQS Human Resources
Kimberley EYC

Covering staff holiday and sickness

Question Q – “How do you cover staff holidays or sickness? Do you have cover staff, and are these cover staff given set hours?” Answers A – I’m bank staff for a nursery I get some hours asked in advance and then sometimes a really early phone call to see If

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Why employee probation periods are important

Why carrying out employee probation periods are important It is imperative that employees follow not only a strict safer recruitment process but also carry out employee probation periods. When recruiting new employees, it can often be difficult to know whether you have found the right candidate and having the correct HR procedures in

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