Ofsted News

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Increase In Nurseries Rated Good Or Outstanding by Ofsted

Providers rated ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted at an all time high Nurseries that have been rated Good or Outstanding by Ofsted have seen a significant rise in the last year. According to Ofsted’s latest Early Years statistics the number of settings has increased from 84% to 95% since August

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Childcare settings to be rated on their SEND provision

Nurseries SEND provision will be rated for the first time. Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission will be joining up with one another to look at how childcare settings are identifying children with SEND; they will also assess how they are meeting the needs of these children. During an inspection,

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Nurseries with more qualified staff more likely to gain outstanding

Nurseries and other childcare settings with a high portion of their staff qualified to level 3 or above are more likely to be awarded outstanding from Ofsted, this information has come from new statistics from the education watchdog Ofsted. There has been figures published showing that 1,370 nurseries with a

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Early Years Self Evaluation Guidance 2015

Guidance to support using the Early Years self-evaluation form to evaluate the quality of registered early years provision and ensure continuous improvement. Age group: Birth to 31 August following a child’s fifth birthday Published: September 2015 Reference no: 120342 The Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted)

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Early Years Inspection Update

EY inspection update September 2015 Early Years Inspection Update September 2015 Deputy Director’s introduction On 1 September 2015, Ofsted introduced the common inspection framework. This changes the way Ofsted inspects early years provision, and brings more consistency to the way we judge all provision offering education for children and learners.


New updated Common Inspection Framework

The common inspection framework: education, skills and early years This document was last updated on the 28th August 2015 Framework for inspections carried out, respectively, under section 5 of the Education Act 2005 (as amended), section 109 of the Education and Skills Act 2008, the Education and Inspections Act 2006,

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Explaining the changes to the Common Inspection Framework

This is a letter from HMCI outlining the changes the Ofsted Common Inspection Framework will bring for Early Years settings from 1st September 2015 August 2015 Sir Michael Wilshaw Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector Dear Colleague As Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector, my aim is simple: I want the best possible education

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Guidance For Preparing For Your Ofsted Visit

Why does an Ofsted inspection take place? Ofsted will inspect nurseries to ensure the set standards are being met. Inspections should be seen as a positive way to promote good practice. Nurseries will be inspected during every cycle unless a complaint has risen. The inspection takes place on the premises

Early Years Practice

Reflective Practice

What is Reflective Practice In order to provide the best possible care for children you should be aware of the term ‘reflective practice’. This enables you to analyse previous activities and improve and develop them, making them more challenging. To get the best results for children you need to focus

Ofsted News

Preparing for an Ofsted Inspection

An Ofsted inspection is highly important to nursery owners and manager, if the outcome of the inspection is what owners and manager’s hope for, then this can mean everything to a successful business. Ofsted reports are accessible to the public therefore anyone can read the report and gain an insight

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