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Young Enjoy New Yurt

Young enjoy new yurt at Kiddi Caru in Wellingborough. The Yurt was inspiration brought over from central Asia. Wellingborough’s well being Yurt will boost the nurseries space to provide fun and engaging activities. The children enjoyed a special fun day for the official opening of the yurt. There was tombola,

Time To Give Up The Dummy?

A dummy can be a very useful aid for most parents to help to relax their baby or toddler. By the time a child is two, a dummy should be limited and totally stopped by the age of four according to leading dental health experts even with an orthodontic dummy.

Welcome To the mud cafe

Welcome to the mud café the best opportunity to feed a child’s natural curiosity and one of the best resources to encourage children to play outside. The menu could offer mud pie, leaves and gravel cupcakes, pebble stew and twig soup! Resource the area with a quality range of messy

Sun Damage More Harmful to Toddlers Than Adults

This is probably not new news to you but new research has proven just how dangerous it is for todfdlers and we should all be extremely vigilant. We should protect toddlers daily not just when there is a sudden heat wave as little ones are much more sensitive to the

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Better funding plight taken to Westminster

Better funding plea for the Early Years A group from Salford delivered their desperate plea for better funding in the early year’s sector and argument to Westminster. The determined group consisting of Salford UNISON parents and Salford’s Mayor travelled to London to make their point heard. Unison is one of the

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The Learning Tree renovation work finalised

The Learning Tree has undergone a major transformation of their converted chapel. The chapel now boast a new front extension and the rest of the building received a full renovation professional refurbishment. The works will greatly benefit their practice at the nursery which is now a better brighter and airy

Face Lift Success For Astley Day Nursery

Last week Bright Horizons Astley Day Nurseries staff and children alike were celebrating the nurseries completion of refurbishment works. To celebrate the staff held a garden party for families to explore the new look nursery. All who came were highly impressed with the high-quality refurbishment and improvements to existing areas.

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Lego aims for 100% sustainable packaging

Lego to change their way plastic packaging Tim Brooks the Vice President for environmental responsibility at the Lego group is pleased to share their plans to reduce the impact the company has on the environment. The global success story Lego has announced their goal to ensure their packaging is 100%

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Celebrations in the town of Halstead

New nursery to open in Halstead Parents in Halstead are celebrating the news that a new nursery is to open in the thriving town community of Halstead. Richard De Clare Primary School plan to meet local demand for early year’s childcare and open a new nursery on the school site

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New 24hr nursery opens in Edgbaston

Nursery Opens 24hrs To Help Parents There has been a call for twenty-four-hour nurseries to be rolled out across the U.K. as parents struggle to find childcare. With inflexible shift patterns available to cater for unsocial working hours the nursery sector will benefit from users such as fire-fighters, nurses, doctors

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