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Apprenticeships can be a great way to spot talent

Ever thought of taking on apprenticeships? Taking on apprenticeships can be a great way to spot talent. These training schemes offer young people the ability to learn hands on experience.  The course can last between one and four years depending on what the apprentice is studying for. For nurseries it

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Kimberley EYC

Unpaid overtime in the early years is becoming too common!

Do you work more then your contracted hours? Many early years practitioners understand the struggles faced with working more than just their contracted hours. It is a common problem and cause for debate in many early years settings across the UK. The concern is how far can these boundaries be

Early Years Practice

Teaching children about concepts of shape and size

Concepts of shape and size Shape and size are concepts that are important for children to learn about. They form part of the Early Years Foundation Stage, shape, space and measures  , the questions asked is do practitioners know how to plan and implement activities to help children learn about

Early Years Practice

Supporting a child with visual impairment

Testimonial from a SENCO who works closely with a child who has a visual impairment As part of my role at nursery I am currently SENCO which means I am responsible for supporting children who have additional needs and making sure that everything is accessible to all children. I take

Early Years Practice

Building children’s independence

It can be hard for adults to accept that children grow and gradually become more and more independent and require less from adults. However, children finding their own two feet and learning to do things for themselves does wonders for different aspects of their development, including their self-image and emotional

Early Years Practice

Helping children with Autism

Children with Autism Autism affects how people communicate and relate to other people. It also affects the way they see the world. Children will only be diagnosed with autism once they have had several assessments from professionals. Some people can struggle to come to terms with this What should I do

Early Years Practice

Identifying a food allergy

What is an allergy? An allergy is a immune response by the body to a substance, especially a particular food, pollen, fur, or dust, to which it has become hypersensitive. What foods cause allergic reactions? Everyone is different and therefore have reactions to different things and foods. A person may

Early Years Practice

Positive approach to healthy eating with children

 Teaching children about healthy eating Eat through stories – Many children’s stories include food such as goldilocks with the porridge and Little red riding hood with bread and muffins. This is a great way to engage your child. This way you can discuss why breakfast is important and how porridge

Early Years Practice

Reflective Practice

What is Reflective Practice In order to provide the best possible care for children you should be aware of the term ‘reflective practice’. This enables you to analyse previous activities and improve and develop them, making them more challenging. To get the best results for children you need to focus

Early Years Practice

Effective Communication

How to create effective communication between home and nursery Practitioners know the importance of building a bond and a relationship with the children in their care, however it is also just as important for practitioners to build a professional relationship with the parents and guardians of those children attending the

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