Sector News

children using cameras
Early Years Practice

Finding out what children like at nursery

Top ten tips for consulting young children on what they like at nursery Always try different ways of finding out what young children like to do and make this fun. As the key person will have a greater knowledge of their key group, it is best practice to research other

key person
Early Years Practice

The role of the key person

The importance of the key person The key person is a named practitioner who has responsibilities for a small group of children, they are there to help the child feel safe and secure. The role is important for both child and parent and it is an approach set out in

Early Years Practice

The Importance of a professional Early Years Practitioner

 The Importance of the professional Early Years Practitioner in implementing the EYFS and monitoring progress of children within their setting and against the Early Learning Goals   Understanding a child’s individual needs is achieved by using the observation, assessment and planning cycle from the EYFS principle. Early Years Settings use

Early Years Practice

Supporting children with English as an additional language

Ways to support children with English as an additional language This is a challenge often faced by practitioners in early years settings and there are more and more children starting early years settings speaking different home languages. As well as it being difficult to communicate with these children it can

Community playthings

Community Playthings

Community Playthings are designed and manufactured in the UK for primary schools and early years settings,  The furniture and play equipment is designed to last more than ten years and is of high quality. Each piece of equipment has been designed to support children’s open ended play and to help

Preparing for Ofsted Inspection

Statutory requirement checklist for early years settings

 Checklist for early years settings This list does not cover every requirement of the EYFS, so refer the statutory framework.   Section 1-The Learning and Development Requirements. Are you observing each child to find out about their needs, interests and ideas? Do you use these observations to inform future plans

first aid training
Latest News

Compulsory First Aid Training

First aid training for all in early years settings will be made compulsory from 2016 From 2016 early years providers must ensure all their staff receive paediatric first aid training, this has been made compulsory following the tragic death of a Millie Thompson.Parents of Millie set up a campaign to raise

safer food better business News

Safer Food Better Business

Safer Food, Better Business (SFBB) is designed to help businesses comply with food hygiene regulations and it also gives guidance on food safety management procedures. Due to the increase of people suffering from allergies and this being young children aswell the importance of becoming more aware of allergies is highly important within the

Early Years Practice

Outstanding practice in early years

How to demonstrate outstanding practice in early years The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) 2014 sets the standards for all professionals in early years to follow, the guidance in this document states the importance of ensuring children learn and develop well and are kept safe. It contains lots of information

celebrate children's achievements
Early Years Practice

Ways to celebrate children’s achievements

How to Celebrate children’s achievements It is highly important to recognise and celebrate children’s achievements as this develops their self esteem Children are continuously learning and developing , therefore adults have an important role to ensure they provide a rich enabling environment that enables children to do this. Positive reinforcement

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