Learning and Development

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10 skills children should learn before starting school

Essential skills children should learn before starting school Back in 2014 Ofsted called for a checklist to be issued to parents regarding the 10 skills children should learn before starting school. Of this, it includes being toilet trained and talking in sentences. The reasoning behind this checklist being issued to

Learning and Development
Kimberley EYC

Supporting children’s emotional wellbeing through home learning resources

Working in partnership is key to supporting emotional wellbeing There are many changes, transitions and difficulties that children can face in the early years and one of the most effective ways to support a child is to work in close partnership with parents. Parents may not always want to immediately

Learning and Development
Kimberley EYC

How to increase interest in mark making on paper

The importance of children enjoying mark making Mark making in the early years is not be confused with handwriting and does not mean children must be sat learning to form letters however early mark making skills such as drawing, scribbles, circles, painting, making marks in messy play using tools or

Enabling Environment
Kimberley EYC

Why you should have potion making in the EYFS out every day

How to set up a potion making area Potion making in the EYFS is great fun and has so many benefits for children in the early years. It’s a great activity to have available daily and can involve as many or as few potion-making ingredients as you have available. These

Learning and Development

Ways to make story time more fun

Five simple ways to make story time come alive and engaging for children Reading aloud and sharing stories with children of all ages is highly important, it can help many areas of children’s development. It can contribute to boosting their language development while inspiring them to enjoy books. Storytelling can

Learning and Development
Kimberley EYC

Why all settings should use story sacks

What are the benefits of story sacks? Using story sacks in your Early Years Setting is an excellent way to create and sustain an interest in books. Children enjoy fun and interactive activities, and this is a perfect way to allow children to be more hands on during story time,

Learning and Development
Kimberley EYC

Should the early years stop messy food play?

Do you think the early years should stop messy food play? Messy play and messy food play have played a large role in early years development and learning for many, many years. This is because of the sensory benefits and because all seven areas of the early year’s foundation stage

Learning and Development
Kimberley EYC

Top 5 parachute games for children in the early years

What are the benefits of parachute games? Parachute games are great for children in the early years and can easily entertain a large group of children. These are great for children of all ages and abilities which makes them an incredibly popular purchase by early years settings. There are many

Learning and Development
Kimberley EYC

Supporting daily transition

How to support a child with horizontal transitions When you think about transitions during the early years, you usually think of joining the setting, moving rooms for example from baby room to toddler room within the setting or starting school, these are usually defined as vertical transitions. Practitioners are very

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Why not try transient art in your setting?

Do you know what transient art is? Have you ever heard of Transient art?Many settings incorporate this into their rooms, it is not something new, it is based on loose parts play. Transient art is known as moveable art, it is a collection of materials that children create a picture

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