Publications and Information


What you need to know about safeguarding changes

Up to date knowledge of Safeguarding changes As Ofsted will be inspecting how the setting safeguards children and adults, it is imperative that everyone working in childcare especially the manager is aware of the current changes. During an Ofsted inspection, the inspector will use the document, Inspecting Safeguarding in Early

nicky morgan
EYFS Practice Publications

A guidance for nurseries on the new legal duties to tackle extremism

A new guidance for nurseries from Education Secretary Nicky Morgan has been issued to help protect children from the risk of radicalisation and extremism. There has been recent information shared that the risks of young children being targeted by radical groups is on the rise, therefore it is important to keep

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Early Years inspection handbook from Sept 2015

Ofsted have announced the changes they have made on the way they will inspect early years provision, schools and further education and skills. These changes will come in to effect from September 2015 and include: the introduction of a common inspection framework for everyone short inspections for maintained schools, academies

Common inspection framework:

Common inspection framework: education, skills and early years from September 2015

Common inspection framework This Common Inspection Framework handbook has been created for inspections carried out from September 2015. The common inspection framework gives clear guidance on how Ofsted will inspect maintained schools and academies, non-association independent schools, further education and skills provision and registered early years settings in England. It sets out principles that

Safeguarding Children, Child Protection and Safer Recruitment Audit

Some county’s use an audit tool to help check that they are meeting the statutory safeguarding requirements. This audit tool will identify any gaps and help you create an action plan, it will also ensure you have the following Clear policies and procedures in place It is best practice for

infection control
Kitchen Guide

Guidance on infection control

A useful Guidance on infection control in schools and other childcare settings About Public Health England Public Health England exists to protect and improve the nation’s health and wellbeing, and reduce health inequalities. It does this through advocacy, partnerships, world-class science, knowledge and intelligence, and the delivery of specialist public

Early Years Business

Disabled Children and the Equality Act 2010

This short guide sets out what early years professionals need to know and do in order to address inequalities and to ensure they do not discriminate against disabled children. Early years professionals have a duty to ensure children are included and support and not discriminated in any way. The booklet

Preparing for Ofsted Inspection

Statutory requirement checklist for early years settings

 Checklist for early years settings This list does not cover every requirement of the EYFS, so refer the statutory framework.   Section 1-The Learning and Development Requirements. Are you observing each child to find out about their needs, interests and ideas? Do you use these observations to inform future plans

ofsted inspection
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Q & A about an early years Ofsted Inspection

An Ofsted Inspection can be very daunting, below is some questions and answers that were answered by an Ofsted Inspector. Also we have included some mock Ofsted inspection questions that can be used in the setting. Q & A about Ofsted Inspections from earlyyearscareers Mock ofsted inspection checklist questions for practice .What evidence is

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