

What you need to know about safeguarding changes

Up to date knowledge of Safeguarding changes As Ofsted will be inspecting how the setting safeguards children and adults, it is imperative that everyone working in childcare especially the manager is aware of the current changes. During an Ofsted inspection, the inspector will use the document, Inspecting Safeguarding in Early

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Kimberley EYC

Pokémon go causing safeguarding concerns for nurseries

Pokémon Go is a new craze sweeping the nation, encouraging children and adults to get outside and be active; however it has been suggested that the game could cause issues for safeguarding in Early Years settings. The app is downloadable to smart phones and requires you to go out walking

Kimberley EYC

Dealing with safeguarding concerns

How can you deal with safeguarding concerns? Safeguarding the children is the most important thing in childcare. Before their learning and development, protecting them from potential harm is the primary concern for all settings. Children are unable to protect themselves and rely on adults to care for them. This places

safer recruitment
Early Years Training

Safer Recruitment Online Training Course

Safer Recruitment Online Training Course This course is designed to help those who work with children and families to actively try to protect their welfare when selecting new people for the workforce. Since December 2012, a new service was introduced called the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). CRB checks and the Independent

Early Years Training

Domestic Violence and Abuse Safeguard Training

Domestic Violence and Abuse This is an online course that aims to raise awareness and highlight the reasons behind domestic violence. It will also discuss the impact of domestic violence and abuse (DVA) on both the adult victim and the victim’s children. The course helps you to work with families and

Early Years Training

Child Neglect Training Course

  Child Neglect Training Online Course This online training course is aimed at practitioners to provide them with a better understanding of the issues of neglect. Child Neglect affects a large number of children in the UK, and has leaves permanent damage to their lives.  This course will look at

Early Years Training

Safeguarding Training Courses

Introduction to Safeguarding Children Training Course (formerly referred to as Level 1 Safeguarding)  This course is designed to help workers from all institutions learn more about a vital, and potentially life-saving, workplace subject. The course aims to give people who work with children or families essential knowledge on what child protection is. The

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