How Nurses and Educators Work Together to Support Child Health

Early childhood education is an important time. It’s a huge chapter for learning for children academically, socially and emotionally. During this time, teachers play an important role. And so do nurses. So let’s take a look at how nurses and educators work together to support child health. As well as how online ABSN programs can provide an opportunity for those interested in pursuing a career in child health. 

When nurses and educators come together and collaborate. They create a strong partnership that helps to support the overall well-being and success of children in life and education. This teamwork can be essential when it comes to addressing both the physical and emotional needs of a child and their success in the classroom. 

The role of a nurse in early childhood education 

Nurses are often seen as the first line of defence when it comes to identifying health issues in children. A nurse will monitor a child’s physical health, provide emotional support and work to ensure a child’s developmental needs are met. In children’s healthcare, a nurse handles a variety of different tasks. This includes: 

  • Health assessments: A nurse will conduct health screenings which are routine checkups that monitor a child’s growth and development. This will usually also include vision and hearing tests.
  • Managing chronic health conditions: Nurses will ensure that children suffering from health conditions such as asthma, allergies, diabetes or epilepsy have the proper care and treatment they need. As well as ensuring emergency procedures are in place.
  • Providing support for emotional well-being: Nurses are trained to recognise signs of emotional distress or behavioural issues in children. They can help to address these concerns before they become a bigger issue. This can be really important in building a child’s confidence and readiness to learn.
  • Advocacy: A nurse can also help advocate for children to ensure their needs are met. This involves working alongside parents and teachers to ensure a child’s health needs are addressed and catered for.

The role of educators in supporting health

An educator also plays an important role in supporting a child’s health and well-being. A teacher spends a significant amount of time with a child. And in some cases more time than any other adult in their life. This means they are often the first ones to notice changes in a child’s behaviour and health. Their experience working with a wide range of children also means they are able to spot early warning signs of health issues. 

A teacher can also provide their students with education about their own health and well-being. They can implement programs and activities that promote physical and mental health. This can often look like: 

  • Teaching healthy habits: Lessons on proper hygiene and nutrition as well as the importance of physical activity. This can help a child develop lifelong habits that will affect their health and well-being throughout their life.
  • Learning about sleep: Teaching the importance of sleep can be very effective. Introducing challenges where they track their own sleep can encourage them to follow good sleep hygiene, which is essential for their health.
  • Promoting emotional health: Teachers can work alongside school counsellors or nurses to help children address their own emotional challenges. This can help students to understand their feelings more which can be essential for mental health as well as being able to grow academically and socially.
  • Stress-reduction and coping skills: Teaching children how to handle stress with different activities such as deep breathing, guided imagery and even journaling.

Why it’s so important for nurses and educators to work together

While educators and nurses both have two very different roles. Their collaboration can be essential when it comes to ensuring children reach their full potential. Working together means that both a child’s academic and health needs are met. Working together can provide: 

  • Early identification and intervention: A nurse can help to identify signs of physical or developmental problems. Spotting these issues early means that interventions can be put in place quickly. However, a teacher spends more time with the child and may also be able to spot signs early. Working together, they can identify issues and ensure the child is receiving the proper medical care and treatment. They can also make sure that there are accommodations in place in the classroom to support their needs.
  • Support for children with special healthcare needs: A child with healthcare who suffers from asthma, diabetes or autism will often require extra care and attention in education. A nurse can help to ensure that a child is properly supported. They can also provide essential education for teachers and other personnel on specific health issues. However an educator will also play an important role in providing an inclusive and accommodating classroom environment. Working together they can develop individualised plans to ensure that a child with special needs receives the support they need.
  • Creating a healthy and safe environment: Working together nurses and educators can create the right environment where all children can focus on learning. Regardless of health conditions and illnesses. Nurses can help by educating teachers on various health-related topics, such as how to recognise symptoms of common illnesses or how to respond to medical emergencies. They can then apply this knowledge to the classroom.

How online ABSN Programs can prepare nurses for early childhood education

Online ABSN programs (Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing) can offer a pathway for those who are interested in specialising in child healthcare. These programs are designed for those who already hold a bachelor’s degree in another field and want to transition into nursing quickly. This course offers flexibility for students. It allows you to balance other responsibilities with your studies. It’s fully online which also means that you can study from anywhere in the world. 

Once completing your online ABSN program, you will be more equipped to enter the world of healthcare and one step closer to working with children in education settings. This can be an extremely rewarding area of healthcare to work in, giving you the chance to impact so many different children’s lives. 


Nurses and educators work together to create a team that is ready to provide the care, support and attention that is needed for a child to succeed academically, socially and emotionally in education and life. Collaboration allows both nurse and educator to fulfil their job more effectively. Creating a strong partnership allows both nurses and educators to create a holistic approach to child development. This can help a child to reach their full potential, ensuring each child regardless of their background or challenges is able to succeed in both life and education. 



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