Childcare jobs in Nottingham,Nottinghamshire

 Top advice on looking for childcare jobs in Nottingham,Nottinghamshire

Early Years Careers decided to do some research on childcare jobs in Nottingham, Nottinghamshire and find out what local nurseries look for in a successful candidate.

The outstanding nursery in Nottingham Angels by Day Ltd provided us with some helpful information on what they look for when seeking new recruits for their setting.

They described their ideal candidate to be a warm, compassionate person who has a genuine interest in helping children make progress and get a great start in life. Angels by Day Ltd also look for someone who has good listening skills, patience and kindness.

It is now best practice that once nurseries have successfully recruited new employees an induction programme is undertake by all new employees. This will help employees gain a further insight as to how the nursery works. All new employees at Angels By Day Ltd participate in formal training run by the local authority on Safeguarding, First Aid and Food Hygiene, they also attend in house training on policies and procedures and if necessary NVQ2/3 with a training provider

Most job adverts will state what qualifications are essential for the job role, however if this is not made clear on the job advert check with the nursery. Qualifications required at Angels by Day Ltd vary on the job role.

Different types of childcare jobs in Nottingham

There may be different types of childcare jobs in Nottingham, Nottinghamshire available these may range from apprenticeships, nursery nurses, senior practitioners, deputy managers or nursery managers. When applying for any of these jobs ensure you have the necessary qualifications, skills and knowledge. It is also best practice to include a covering letter with your CV.

Help with looking for childcare jobs in Nottingham, Nottinghamshire

  • Contact local nurseries in the area
  • Search local job sites
  • Do some research and gain background information on nurseries who are recruiting
  • Email an up to date CV along with a cover letter to nurseries in the Nottingham area

When looking for a childcare job don’t forget that there is always the option of furthering your career in childcare and while looking for a childcare job you could also be attending a training course to gain more knowledge in this field.



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