Ways to advertise London childcare jobs for free!

Ways to advertise London childcare jobs for free!

Advertising job vacancies can become expensive especially for small childcare settings so being able to advertise London childcare jobs for free and fill the posts quickly with the perfect employee is not only ideal but also crucial to keeping the account books balanced.

There are a few different ways you can advertise childcare jobs for free, these include:

Jobs sites – Some jobs sites will allow you to advertise job vacancies for free. There are a new jobs sites which allow you to advertise London childcare jobs for free. This site is, and it allows you to add as many jobs as you like for completely free and is totally dedicated to the early year’s sector. This site makes it quick and simple to add jobs and fill posts.  This is potentially the most effective way to advertise as this advertises your post across the whole of the UK, although not everyone will be interested in working in London, some may be willing to commute if your advertisement and job position is exactly what they are looking for.

Social media – Make use of your social media pages and nursery websites. Parents and prospective practitioners may browse these and recommend to friends and family or even apply themselves. This is another way to advertise London childcare jobs for free and to get the word out there that you have a nursery nurse job available.

Newsletters – Advertise any job vacancies on your newsletters and ask parents to share these with families and friends. This may help you find a deputy manager through word of mouth.

Recruitment days – Hold recruitment days, this is particularly effective if you have a few childcare jobs posts to fill. You can complete all your interviews in one day this way and get some ideas of the types of positions local London early years workers are looking for.  



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