Early Years Careers

Involving the team in completing SEF

Ways to involve your team in helping you complete your SEF

Ways to involve your team in helping you complete your SEF

Completing your SEF can be daunting and many people end up leaving it blank or with gaps. Ofsted will refer to your SEF prior to your visit to gain an insight of your setting. If this isn’t available then as long as managers can talk about the progression of the setting as well as any actions planned then many inspectors are happy with this.

It is best practice to have your SEF completed as this provides Ofsted with sufficent amount of information about your settings which can help contribute to your Ofsted grade.

It is important to involve everyone when it comes to completing your SEF, as those who work directly with the children may have good points to contribute. The question is how can managers involve the team. Why not try these few suggestions;

It is important to regular update your SEF as it is a powerful self-evaluation tool. By continuously contributing to it will keep it updated.


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