How to measure the impact of the EYPP Funding

The importance of measuring the impact of the EYPP funding

Measuring impact of EYPP Funding

It is important that nursery managers monitor the impact of the EYPP Funding, it is effective to monitor the impact at the start and again after a period of time.  When monitoring the impact look closely at children’s tracking documents as well as a collection of observations, Using a proforma to document the impact can be an easy tool, giving you all information in one accessible place.

During an Ofsted Inspection, the inspector will be looking closely at what the funding has been spent on and the level of impact this had on the individual. Therefore, it is important that managers are able to answer these questions during an inspection.

Here are a few suggestions on how you can monitor the impact of the EYPP Funding

  • Using children’s development documents such as cohort trackers
  • Hold regular conversations with parents
  • Hold conversation with any multi-agencies that are involved with the child and their family
  • Observations – It is best practice to carry out different observations at different times of the day and use different observation proformas e.g., timed observation, social observation, etc
  • Seek the views of the child
  • Video record the child during his/ her play
  • Use specialist resources that concentrate on a particular are of development such as language and communication.
  • Carry out learning walks with management and practitioners
  • Use information shared from a child’s two-year integrated review which is carried out by the health visitor.

All of the above are just some suggestions on how to evidence the impact of the EYPP Funding. Why not use this proforma to track the level of impact and don’t forget to carry out regular conversation with parents.



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