Why childcare settings should send memos to practitioners

The importance of using memos in your childcare setting

Sending memos is an important communication tool for many large businesses and companies. It is something which can also be very effective when used in nurseries. Using memos in childcare settings are particularly useful for increasing communication and promoting best practice. It can often be difficult to ensure all necessary information for the week is given to everyone and it may not always be practical to hold a full meeting over certain details so using a memo ensures everyone is aware.Memos be used to inform practitioners as individuals or groups/rooms of a variety of things including:

·         Initials of children who have booked holiday and will not be in

·         Practitioners who need to complete supervisions, appraisals, cover different rooms,

·         Any meetings that are to be held that week and who needs to attend such as room leader meetings

·         Any new guidance or legislation

·         Any policy changes

·         Any procedure changes

·         Any training that needs to be completed and by who

·         Any reminders such as upcoming events

Memos can be an excellent way to quickly inform practitioners of policy and legislation changes; it is vital for children’s care and learning that all practitioners know exactly what is expected and required of them. If a memo is sent around at the beginning of the week, you can ask practitioners to sign to say that have read it and return it once all practitioners in the room have read it. This can then be placed in the policy folder as evidence that everyone has read the policy changes.

Memos should contain:

·         Clear information

·         Key points highlighted ( This may be policy changes)

·         A title ( This may be just the date of the commencing week)

·         Clear instructions such as where a meeting will be held, the time of the meeting, any information that needs to be taken along, etc.( Be careful of confidentiality)

They could be sent:

·         Electronically to room email addresses if childcare settings use tablets for learning journals and apps or individual email addresses if the information does not breech confidentiality.

·         Paper copies to individuals, groups or the setting as a whole

Do you use memos in your childcare setting, if so how effective are these?



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