Sharing early years best practice

Interactive approach to sharing early years best practice

All early years settings who want to strive to be outstanding will know the importance of developing and sharing early years best practice. An effective way to do this is during a monthly practitioner workshop. If you have read our previous articles on continuous provision and would now like to implement this approach into your setting discussing this in your workshop. Holding effective practitioner workshops enables practitioners to become reflective about their own practice and this allows everyone to share key strengths and discuss and improve weaknesses.

Giving practitioners an opportunity to work on their continuing professional development is key to developing early years best practice. Structured workshops with a learning intention can contribute to practitioners continuing professional development.

Best practice is often something discussed in the early years, but rarely does every practitioner in the setting fully understand what is expected of them and how to truly plan and promote an outstanding learning environment. Sharing your expectations and creating individual action plans for each room may be something which will greatly improve practice in your setting and during a practitioner workshop is a great time to put this into place.

Plan your workshop before you begin, create a list of things you want to cover, make sure you lead and manage the meetings. Listen to the views of your practitioners and give them opportunity to have their say. You may find it useful to sign up here to receive a training workshop sheet on implementing early years best practice in your continuous provision.

Free Training Workshop Agenda for Implementing Continuous Provision

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