9 steps for effective leadership

9 ways to promote good leadership in your setting

woman in leadership

Leadership and management is an important part of the EYFS and also a vital section of an Ofsted inspection. Great leadership skills can heavily influence the overall running of a setting and the morale of the staff team. Here are 9 ways to promote effective leadership.


It is important to strive for consistency within the management team. Some settings will have more than one manager in the building and this can cause issues if managers give out different instructions or answers. To promote consistent leadership, managers must agree on implementing the same standards of practice.


In order to become a good leader you will require respect from others. You should show respect to everyone that you come into contact with; children, colleagues, parents and other professionals. This will enable them to respect you and value what you do or say.

Effective communication

Good leadership depends on effective communication. Staff members will need to feel confident in approaching their manager and asking for help. It is a good idea to hold regular supervisions in order to build a solid foundation for open communication to occur.

leadership skills


Staff will often need support in different areas of their practice, however it is important to guide and teach them rather than taking over and completing the task yourself. This will support the practitioner in meeting their own goals and developing self confidence in their abilities.

Role Modelling

Leaders should also be good role models to staff and students, not only the children. It is important to show other staff members how to communicate effectively and reflect good practice. A good leader will demonstrate high standards of practice and lead by example.


An effective leader will be able to delegate to others and feel confident in overseeing the work of others. This can be difficult for some who enjoy taking the lead and know exactly how they want something done; however this is not time efficient. This will support others in gaining self confidence and expand on their personal goals.

controlling leadership

Conflict management

Good leaders will manage conflict as soon as it arises and find a way to solve the issue. Within the Early Years sector, there can be many times where conflict occurs between staff or parents; a good manager will not shy away and will confidently take control of the situation to ensure it does not become out of hand.

Praise and incentive

A good leader will be able to encourage and motivate their staff team through lots of praise and incentives. Sometimes a simple thank you can really make the difference and drive staff to do better. It is important to recognise and appreciate when a staff member has done something well; if this goes unnoticed, they may think twice about doing it in the future.


Taking on a leadership role can be daunting for some, however with the correct training opportunities and support from other managers, it can be an exciting step to take. Many that have struggled in a leadership role have often stated that they felt out of their depth or under pressure. This can be due to a lack of knowledge or understanding of the role. A good training programme will support new leaders.



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