How to make a nursery rhyme sack to use in your setting
Instead of having to search around the room for your nursery rhyme props why not make a nursery sack to keep all your props in ready for song time. This sack can be easily made to support all ages of children.
First of all, decide what nursery rhymes you would like to include in this sack and start collecting resources for these. Think of what might be best for the younger ones as well as the older children. To find out why nursery rhymes and songs are important click here
Here are some helpful tips on what resources you may use for your nursery rhyme sack.
- Old McDonald – for younger children use a selection of farm animals for them to choose from, to extend this further for older children why not include animal masks so they can be an animal of their choice during the song. Both of these ideas could easily be for both age groups however the masks would introduce older children to playing a part in the song.
- Row Row your boat. Encourage the children to pair up with their friends and row the boat together, this is helping to develop those social skills. Why not purchase a long piece of elastic and sew the two ends together to create a continuous strip of elastic. Make sure the elastic is enough for a group of children to hold onto. For this nursery rhyme use the elastic to pretend to row the boat down the stream. This prop is a great resource to keep children engaged and to make singing songs fun.
- Five little ducks went swimming one day. Collect five plastic ducks and a larger duck and use the ducks during the song to support the song. Why not create a scene in a small tray with a hill and let the children re-enact act the nursery rhyme as you sing. Also, add numbers so that children can refer to the numbers of ducks.
- Five little-speckled frogs. Collect five plastic frogs and a log and set the scene for the song. Use the props to make the song interactive.
- Ten animals bouncing on the bed. Purchase a piece of elasticated material and collect 10 soft animal toys to use during the song.
- Five little monkeys swinging from a tree teasing mr crocodile. Use the elasticated material, 5 soft monkeys and a hand puppet crocodile to help retell the song.
- Hickory Dickory Dock. Use a mouse finger puppet and clock during the song as props to help re-enact the nursery rhyme.
- There’s a tiny caterpillar on a leaf wriggle wriggle. Print off some leaves and caterpillars pictures laminated them and if you have an enough for each child let them use these props during the nursery rhyme song.
- Incy Wincy Spider. Purchase a small plastic plumbing pipe preferably black to represent the water pipe and a spider finger puppet. Using both theses during the song
- Humpty Dumpty. Build a wall of bricks and sit a finger puppet Humpty Dumpty on the wall and use the props whilst singing the nursery rhyme.
Once you have all your resources for your nursery rhymes find a drawstring bag which you can purchase from Amazon and place all these resources into the sack. Don’t forget to also use pictures to represent nursery rhymes. Click here to find out more about purchasing a Number Nursery Rhyme pack