Easter egg hunt activity

Creating an Easter egg hunt activity using a tuff spot

Easter activity

Using a #tuffspot for various activities enables children to group around the tray, allowing children to freely explore the activity. Depending on the age of the children will determine whether the best place for the tray is on the floor or if a tuff spot stand is used.

There are many activities that you can use a tuff spot for whether this is for messy play or small world play or even to create an Easter egg hunt for the young children.

When collecting Easter resources think about how you would like to arrange them in the #tuffspot. Young children are easily attracted by bright colours and with this activity being around Easter why not add some cuddly rabbits and chicks.

Easter egg hunt

Here is a list of what you could use~;

  • Coloured shredded paper
  • Soft rabbits, chicks, lambs
  • Baskets
  • Plastic eggs that can be opened to hide objects inside
  • You may want to add some small world resources eg farm building, farm animals etc

This is activity is very open ended and the resources allow children to independently create their own play and explore what is hidden under the shredded paper. Having an adult close by to support the play and extend it is important as scaffolding children’s learning can help them reach their full potential. Introducing new words in play will provide young children with vocabulary that they can use in their play.

Children will return to this activity time and time again during the day and each time they will be intrigued as to what they can find. As this activity is very much about children using their exploratory skills it is a great activity to carry out with the young children as this is what most young children enjoy doing.





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