How to make 5 nursery rhymes interactive

Top tips on making Nursery Rhymes interactive and engaging

Making nursery rhymes interactive and engaging

These opportunities should be introduced to children from the minute they are born as there is no harm in singing songs and lullabies to babies.

As children become more familiar with the songs they will begin to have their favourites and will request these during song time. There are many props available to support nursery rhymes. A high proportion of children will be more engaged and focused when props are being used. Using this information and knowing your child’s interests why not think of how to make the children’s favourite nursery rhymes interactive.

Here are some suggestions of how to make 5 nursery rhymes interactive.

Tiny Tim

Many children enjoy this song so why not collect the resources that are mentioned in the song and place these in a tuff spot with some bubbly water. Using a turtle that you wind up to make it move is great as children will be intrigued as to how this works. Practitioners and children can sing the song whilst use the resources to support the song.

Nursery Rhyme Tiny Tim

Five little speckled frogs

Gather five plastic frogs, a wooden log and some green material to represent Lilly pads and fill a tray will water. Arrange the resources in the tray and place the frogs on the log. Use the resources whilst singing the songs and involve the children. This nursery rhyme is great for introducing maths to young children.

Nursery Rhyme Five Little Speckled frogs

Five currant buns in a bakers shop

Either using pictures of currant buns or knitted currant buns place these in front of an adult. Give 5 children a laminated plastic pictured coin to hold. By making this nursery rhyme interactive it involves children and gives them a part to play whilst also introducing simple maths.

Nursery Rhyme Five Currant Buns in a Bakers Shop

Five little ducks went swimming one day

Fill a tray with water, add five plastic ducks a larger one to represent mummy duck or even daddy duck. If you are able to construct a hill and then use the props whilst singing the song and involve the children.

Nursery Rhyme Five Little Ducks went swimming one day

Old McDonald had a farm.

Construct a farm in the middle of the circle consisting of various farm animals. During the song let the children choose a farm animal from the farm.

nursery rhyme Old Mcdonald had a farm

Why not watch some nursery rhymes videos

There are many ways you can bring nursery rhymes alive and make them fun and engaging. Why not try some of these suggestions and we would love to hear of any other ways to make nursery rhymes interactive.



1 thought on “How to make 5 nursery rhymes interactive”

  1. Thank you once again for this very useful information. I am printing this off and shall be doing more of these activities in my childminding setting.

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