Quick and easy ways to promote British Values

10 ways to promote British Values in your childcare settings

Promoting British Values in childcare setting
Teaching children about sharing

Promoting British Values in your setting can be easily achieved. If you think about it wisely you are already doing it. Many people have become confused by the whole term British values, thinking this is about teaching the children about the Queen, Big Ben, black taxis, drinking tea and eating scones. When in fact the British Values should really be referred to as human values such as sharing, turn taking, teaching children about respecting other views and celebrating other culture and faiths. It is not all about teaching the children about being British as children should learn about all faiths and cultures and engage in different celebrations.

The government defined the British Values as being:

  • Rule of Law
  • Democracy
  • Individual Liberty and Mutual Respect
  •  Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs

When looking further into what each one means managers are finding that they are already promoting these values through the EYFS areas Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Understanding the World.

Helping the team to understand what the British Values are is down to leaders and managers to give that clear explanation and help them reflect on what they are already doing. By evaluating practitioners practice, this will provide both manager and practitioners with a clearer picture of how each value is being embedded in every practice. Ofsted will make a judgment within the section Leadership and Management as to whether the values are being actively promoted in practice. It is managers job to communicate with the team and be across how these are being promoted

Why not share our powerpoint presentation with your team to help them think about how they could be promoting the British Values in their practice



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