Top tips for holding a parents evening

Getting parents evening right

Every setting will have their own routine for parent’s evenings; some will offer termly, half termly, twice a year, once a year. It really does depend on the demands of the setting and the parents. Some will hold them in the evenings while other settings will offer them during the day, again this depends on what works best for the setting and the parents. There is no right or wrong way as long as the needs of practitioners and parents are being met. However, it is good practice to ensure they are held regularly so parents and practitioners can discuss any next steps or concerns.

Parent’s evenings can be a daunting time for practitioners so being prepared is the best way to ensure it goes smoothly. Setting the room out in an effective way is important, so conversations that are held are kept private especially if there are many practitioners all speaking to parents at the same time. Also, it is best to be face to face for good communication purposes.

Some settings choose to display learning journals so parents can look through these while they wait. It is really useful to have a pack of post-it notes and pens with the learning journals so parents can add any comments to the journal. This is great for supporting and promoting positive parent partnerships. Many also choose to make the learning journal the focal point of the discussion, talking through the learning and activities that have taken place and any next steps.

Some settings choose to share children’s individual tracking sheets with parents however this may have very little solid understanding from the parents and parents can quickly become fixated on the things their child isn’t achieving or in the ‘correct’ age bracket for. It is important to remind parents that all children developed in their own ways and stages and that the next steps are there to support this.

It is also useful to ask parents if they have any concerns or things they would like to discuss. Often parents will have a few questions, so it is important these are addressed. If they ask anything, you are unsure of the answers too, for example, if you are recently qualified, then it is okay to check with your room leader for answers.

Parents evenings are all about championing the amazing things the children have achieved and should not be a time to focus on purely negative aspects. Always bear in mind the principles of the positive feedback burger – Start with a positive (bun), include any slight negatives in the middle (burger) and then end on a positive (burger) This ensures parents don’t leave upset, disheartened or angry with the situation.



1 thought on “Top tips for holding a parents evening”

  1. This is only a idea. I like to take some number and word games and puzzles to parents evening. Whilst the parents are talking to me about the performance reports etc, I hand each child a easy timed puzzle sheet to do. For any bored kids especially those who are not at traditional school I like to personally prepare a mini challenging handout for them.

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