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Using open ended resources with Toddlers

 Ten open-ended resources for toddlers to explore

It can be very easy to forget about using open-ended resources within the environment. Open-ended resources are ideal for young children as they are can explore the materials, developing their creativity and imaginations skills. As there is no right or wrong way of using open ended resources, this can help build children’s self-esteem. Most children will enjoy exploring these items and finding ways to use them. Children will learn more from open-ended resources than plastics toys as these have very limited use.

For children to get the most out of using, open-ended resources adults need to fully understand what these are and why using them can benefit children’s learning and development. Many open ended resources can easily be sourced such as large cardboards boxes, planks of wood, etc. There is no reason why these resources can’t be placed indoors as well as outdoors; children need to be given plenty of learning opportunities both indoors and outdoors that challenge their abilities.

Below is a list of 10 open-ended materials that are perfect for toddler aged children to explore.

Photo from Polbeth Nursery

Are open-ended resources freely accessible in your environment for all ages of children, if so what resources have you found to be the most effective?


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