5 ‘must have’ staff training courses for Early Years

Top 5 staff training courses that every Early Years practitioner should complete

Staff training courses

Staff training is vital in the Early Years sector to develop knowledge and provide a safe, caring environment for all children. It is recommended that practitioners complete up to 25 hours of training each year to ensure continuous professional development. This includes practitioners and managers.

There are many different training courses available to Early Years professionals covering all areas of practice; these range from paediatric first aid to promoting superhero play. We have chosen the top 5 staff training courses that every practitioner should have.

Paediatric First Aid

From September 2016, newly qualified staff with a childcare level 2 and 3 qualification must have a full paediatric first aid certificate to be included in ratios. Paediatric first aid is a valuable training course to have, promoting the best outcomes for the health and safety of children. It is vital that each setting/ room has at least one qualified first aid person on site to administer emergency first aid. This training can be offered in a variety of ways, however most settings will require a 12 hour training course.

Child Protection

Safeguarding is a crucial element of Early Years. It is important that all parents, practitioners and professionals are safeguarding the children’s welfare at all times. Child protection or safeguarding training can support practitioners in recognising signs and symptoms of potential abuse and reporting concerns correctly. It is important that all practitioners are aware of the safeguarding policies and procedures within the nursery to uphold the safety of all children. The setting’s Designated Safeguarding Lead will need to complete further training to fulfil this role.

Behaviour Management

Some children can find it difficult to express their emotions and will need support managing their behaviour. Many practitioners will have some experience or knowledge of behaviour strategies; however completing regular behaviour management training will support new ideas and ways of dealing with challenging behaviour. This staff training will also aid practitioners in supporting parents with behaviour at home. Setting SENCO’s may be able to support practitioners in accessing this information through in house training opportunities such as staff meetings or training evenings.

Online training courses

Food Hygiene

It is essential that any practitioner that prepares food in the setting must hold a certificate in Food Hygiene; this is to meet basic health and safety requirements. Those in charge of preparing food must have an understanding of food storage, cross contamination and good hygiene practices. In most settings one or two people are responsible for preparing the food however other practitioners may then serve or have contact with the food. It is a good idea for all staff to complete this training to ensure every individual has the basic understanding of food hygiene. Food hygiene courses are often accessible online enabling practitioners to complete the training easily and during their working hours.

Health and Safety

Health and Safety is another crucial aspect in Early Years settings. The job role can include a great deal of physical handling and lifting so it is important for all individuals to have an understanding of health and safety procedures. Staff members can gain this information through policies and procedures within the setting however completing the staff training will enable practitioners to fully understand their role in health and safety of the setting. Information from the training will support practitioners in risk assessing the environment and promote the safety of children, parents, staff and visitors to the setting.


It is important that all practitioners are able to access staff training opportunities to build on their professional development and support their job role within the setting.



3 thoughts on “5 ‘must have’ staff training courses for Early Years”

  1. Food hygiene certification is often available cheaply online along with plenty of free information.
    Your staff could be putting energy into this in their own time as well as being guided in the workplace.
    May I recommend the Food Standards Agency website for short but handy video training resources?

  2. Sue van der Veen

    How are staff expected to take sn online food hygeine course during their working hours? Staff are employed to take care of the children in their charge not take courses. The course we are having to take is at least 3 hours long and I cannot spare any member of staff for tbat length of time.

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