Using children’s story books to promote British values
As part of promoting British Values practitioners should promote diverse attitudes and challenge stereotypes, this can be done through sharing stories that reflect and value the diversity of children’s experiences. Children’s story books are a great way to create discussion opportunities. It is down to the management team within the early years setting to ensure these values are being actively promoted
As part of the new Common Inspection Framework under the Criteria Leadership and Management, the inspector will make a judgement on how the early years setting actively promotes British Values and if this is not demonstrated it has been said that government funding may be withdrawn.
A helpful collection of story books to help practitioners promote British Values in the Early Years
To read more about British Values click here
5 thoughts on “Resources to Promote British values in the Early Years”
The link for the list of books is not there
when I click on the link at the bottom of the page an error message appears to say link no longer available
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Thank you for promoting my book. I wanted it to be helpful to practitioners so its great it is linked to your site.
The list of story books to help practitioners promote Values in the Early Years seems to be missing.
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