Can you start working without proof of qualifications?


Q – “we’ve had a new starter who says their qualified but we have yet to see their certificates. The manager has regardless taken them on and they are working in the preschool, all fully DBS checked etc though. Should the manager being seeing proof of qualification?”

Answers –

A – “For single central record purposes proof of qualifications are usually needed”

A – “Yes! Anyone could say they’re qualified although I dare say the references have been verified from a past setting but copies of qualifications should be on record in development file regardless”

A – “I would ensure you have a copy of their certificate in your central record and that you have all the relevant information before they start working, so that you have fulfilled your safeguarding role under safer recruitment; ensuring that staff are suitably trained for the role they will be employed to do. Without proof how can you ensure staff numbers are correct for your qualified to unqualified balance? ”

A – “Absolutely, Ofsted have always asked to see proof of qualification certificates. This should form part of any settings safer recruitment policy and safeguarding.”

A – “I was interviewed Tuesday for x2 positions and both took copies of my certifications there and then. One setting even displays all certificates for parents to see.”

A – “We need to check these are all in each persons file. They often pass level 2 or 3 on the job but maybe don’t hand in a copy of their certificate”

A – “They should be displayed. if and when a parent / or outside agency asks to see them or at least have a record of them in their own personal employees file that is accessible for everyone who needs it… ”

A – “I would have expected proof if qualifications before they took up the post.”

A – “Well ofsted will want to see them surely?  I’d want to know they were qualified before I took them on ?”

A – “We had Ofsted in August and one of the things they asked us to have ready for the visit was qualification certificates”

A – “Yes. Seeing proof of qualifications is part of the safer recruiting process.”



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