Safeguarding and E-safety


Q – “If you use iPads in your setting how do you cover safety? As videos and photos can be taken and staff could log in to own email accounts and send things then delete the photos. I am not sure what I could do to protect my staff and children?”


A – We take videos and photos for displays, profiles etc. Also we all undergo PVG checks and work with one another in a close environment so we trust each other to do our jobs professionally in line with data protection. If you don’t trust your staff then you need to think about why that is. There are various safeguards you can use if needs be, such as not connecting the tablets to the internet and sticking to physical PLPs.

A –  If you think a staff member would do that then you should reconsider having them employmed in your setting

A – Have parental locks on apps, App Store and Safari where management are the only ones who knows the pass codes

A – We have an old iPod and use it as a camera but have taken everything off it.

A – Don’t connect them to the internet and sign in and out each morning and night so no one can take them off site

A – Don’t give staff the code for the I pad, it is not needed to take photos

A  – We restrict all websites and apps. Only me as manager has the codes. You can set all these restrictions in the settings

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