where are staff’s personal mobile phones kept during work hours?

Question –

Q – “where are staff’s personal mobile phones kept during work hours?”

Answers –

A – “Lockers”

A – ” In lockers

A – “In the office safe

A – “In their lockers !!”

A – “Ours are kept in a locked cupboard on the staff room

A – “In a box in the office”

A – “In our bags in our lockers

A – “Our phones are kept in locker in staffroom

A – “As a childminder my phone is on me at all times”

A – “In a phone pocket in the managers office can use them during breaks”

A – “Mobile phones should be logged in and out of the office during lunch hours.”

A – “Ours SHOULD be in our bags in the coat cupboard I think they should be kept in the filling cabinet i may suggest they do”

A – “The lockers in the staff room and there is cctv throughout the building”

A – “Locked in a box in the office and we have to sign them in in the morning and sign in and out during the day when we are on break and then in the evening”

A – “Ours are in our bag in the office and can only be checked on our breaks”

A – “At my sons preschool all phone are put in a locked cupboard till end of day.”

A – “At my sons preschool all phone are put in a locked cupboard till end of day.”

A – “We have to keep ours in the filling cabinet we can only use them during lunch hours “

A – “In a locked cupboard. We have a work mobile with no camera which people can phone to contact staff

A – “They should be kept in mangers office locked up and should be signed in and out everywhere I have worked so far have done this to safeguard children.

A – “Each member of staff has to keep it in their own personal locker. They are given the number of our setting to give to their children’s schools etc

A – “Ours are in our bags in a cupboard in our rooms. Where I used to work, we used to have a phone basket and be allowed to use them on breaks, we would sign them in and out

A – “Our phones are kept in our bags, which are stored upstairs in the setting in either a locker (if you have one) or the cloakroom

A – “In bags in the staff room. This seems to be different in school, where I’ve seen staff using them during playground duty and seen them in bags under their desks.

A – “We have to sign in our phones and are locked away in a safe in the managers office. We have to sign them out when we go on break etc.

A – “We have an office which is separated from main classroom with a baby gate. Phones are kept in a basket in there. Can’t be accessed but staff can still hear if their phone rings and can leave the room to answer if need be

A – “This is always a problem for me. I’m a supply worker and obvs can’t use/access my phone when working, so tend to keep it in hand bag in staff room, but having children at school myself I always worry if anything were to happen school can’t contact me.

A – “We just keep ours in lockers. If we are expecting messages we either ask the caller to phone the nursery and our receptionist to forward messages to the rooms (all the classrooms have internal phone systems) or we check our messages periodically. Management is very understanding if we need to be in contact with someone for whatever reason and we tend to support each other if someone needs to keep checking their phone. That being said we are not allowed to bring them into the rooms at all, not sure if that’s actually a legal requirement now or not but every nursery I’ve been in since qualifying has that rule.



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