How can i stay well with a low immune system and working in the early years?


Q – “I’ve worked in childcare for 15 years, and have managed good immunity for the majority of my career. However for the last six months I have been severely unwell, exhausted and unable to do my job due to such ill health. I have a good lifestyle outside of work, I eat well, rest (as well as I can) and take vitamins to try and boost my immunity.I’m still in the midst of a phased return to work, but have now had to take some more time off work after being admitted to hospital.I’m gutted, I feel like I’m failing at my career, letting the establishment down and financially I’m ruined. I was wondering if anyone else struggles with constant illness and low immunity and how you combat it? “


A – “Do you have the flu jab? Keep a tub of antibacterial gel in your pocket when at work for your hands, could you benefit from changing age range if this is possible or moving to a smaller setting?”

A – “I have so much sympathy for you, I’m in exactly the same position. I’m currently off with tonsillitis but can’t ever seem to recover when I get back to work. I’m a single parent and don’t know how I’ll pay my mortgage this month. I’m wondering now after 20 years if I’m working with the wrong age. I just want to feel well again”

A – “I have Addison’s disease it’s very rare and affects my immunity and is made worse by stress and being anxious! And i teach three ( has been four since Xmas) I know I can’t cope with full time and my school are massively supportive but i do need a lot of rest and i have to listen to my body”

A – “Slow down, when u get back to work remember to slow down and be in the moment. Over time we get efficient and fast in our jobs and run down our body’s. Play with the toys and take time to appreciate the feeling of playing. Write the report and take time to appreciate the task of writing. Taking time to breath in what you are doing will calm your body down and give it time to breathe and stay healthy”

A – “I take spa tone when I feel run down soon picks me back up. Lack of iron results in lower immunity and it isn’t found in most vitamins. As i get older I seem to need an iron supplement more often. I take 2 sachets with orange juice and in a few days I’m back on top form”

A – “Have you had your platelets tested?..Could have a blood disorder called ITP, caused all of these symptoms…What can you do…It’s a shame that your immunity is low, personally i would look into this”

A – “Ask your GP for a full check up with bloods etc. Your immunity shouldn’t suddenly dip like that. Probably just exhausted”

A – “I agree, I had a similar thing and had full blood tests and it turned out I had glandular fever! At 40+ this was a surprise. Could be post viral fatigue. Whatever it is I hope you start to feel better soon”

A – “I had a similar experience a few years ago. Was poorly for ages. Went back and forth crying to the doctor. Took 8 months before I was referred to a rheumatologist.”

A – “Oh bless you… I admit I get tired and struggle with full days in private day care… I was working 40+ hrs this time last year starting at 7am and finishing after 6 four days a week. When I cut my hrs and then changed the setting where I work, I stopped picking up as many illnesses. I now work part time, 30hrs over 5days and feel better for it. I hope you soon feel better… Don’t run yourself into the ground. I did that. It’s really not good.. Your body is saying slow down… Take care…hope things improve”

A – “Ask for bloods, then a meeting at work to explain situatuon. Hopefully they are sympathetic and understanding. What about reduced hours? Help you with money but better for your health than full time”



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