Do staff wear gloves, do children use tongs or their hands to choose snack?


Q – “Do staff wear gloves, do children use tongs or their hands to choose food? Would be lovely to see how snack differs in nurseries”


A – “We give children snack. They sit at a table with a tablecloth (which is sprayed with antibacterial spray after every use) and their placemats which have the child’s name, picture and whether they are normal diet, preference like no pork, or allergy like egg and then we give them snack. We have to wear a blue apron and wash our hands in antibacterial wash. We don’t really wear gloves. Their snack like breadsticks, banana, etc is on plates and they have milk in cups. They have coloured cups and plates the different diets stated above and allergies and preferences are served up first.”

A – “We have a weekly menu to follow which gives the children a choice of 2 snack options both morning & afternoon. These are prepped by staff in the kitchen area, and the children then choose which they would like, including a choice of cereal each morning. They get a choice of milk/water too. The snack area is all self-serve to give the children the opportunity to collect their own cups, bowls, spoons, snack etc… & encouraged to pour their own drinks with support from the staff if need be. The children are then encouraged to empty any leftovers away into a bin and place dirty pots into a tub which is seperate from the other clean pots. Hand washing is encouraged before each meal time too”

A – “At my previous setting the tables were sprayed using anti bac. Staff required to wear disposable gloves and aprons. The children were to find their snack card which noted any dietary requirements and gave it to the adult serving snack. At my current setting the tables are covered in a table cloth and sprayed with anti bac. Staff are not required to wear gloves or aprons when serving snack however hands are to be washed thoroughly. Any dietary requirements are on a list which is stuck on the wall in the area where the children eat so that all staff can see.”

A – “We have snack at the table with table cloths, wiped down etc. We don’t wear gloves. The children hold the plate around to their friends and they help themselves. Same with lunch seconds, they get put into bowls and then they can help themselves. For our morning snack ours have a biscuit, OFsted questioned the owner about this and she said “surely they are allowed a biscuit”. Anyway we got Outstanding In all areas.”

A – “We have a rolling snack, table with tablecloth on and plastic placemats, gloves are optional but I always do. The children use anti bac foam on there hands before eating and wash properly after. Snack is handed to children on a plate along with choices of drink. We have a allergy list at the table at all times. Children do self serve using tablespoons and Tupperware boxes at lunch times, children do go to bathroom to wash their hands before and after lunch.”

A – “The Children cut their own fruit up (sometimes they share their fruit with others) and spread their own crackers. The table is anti bac and hands are washed. Ofsted loved the children taking part in snack time. We all have good hygiene certificates”

A – “All have food hygiene and we do self service snack just fruit and savoury biscuit and is always supervised by staff. Chn find named snack card and place on board. Which displays Chns dietary requirements”

A – “Fresh fruits or raisins, milk and cartons provided by lottery funding and water are what we offer”

A – “our menu is a three week rolling menu and includes an omega 3 fish dish once a week mackerel pate and crackers. staff prepping food wear aprons, hats and gloves and have good hygiene training. snack include fruit, xx, breadsticks, breads, dips and sugar free Jelly”

A – “A member of staff sits at the table with a set of children after antibacing the table a staff member wears gloves and disposable apron, we then have a who wants snack board where the children are required to pick there picture off which is on a money note (different cultures) to pay for the snack that way can track whos had it and not, feel free to message me and exchange ideas i work in preschool”



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