What are the average wages for a senior nursery nurse?


Q – “How much would managers pay a senior nursery nurse with level 3 in childcare and level 3 in nursery management to work three days a week 7.30-6.30?”



A – Depends if it’s a private setting? You would be paid an hourly rate. I know one girl that has had 8 years commitment to a nursery and has level 3, senior position and is on £7.20 per hour. It only went up to that rate because the staff member is over 25!

A – I would say it depends: factors which would influence the rate , level of experience , location , what other settings in your local area pay . However staff retention is so important so personally for a level 3 that amount seams low . Hope that is helpful.

A – Depends where in the country you are aswell. I’m in Devon,Level 3 as a Senior and I get £8ph

A – Yes private nurseries pay bad money. I’m a manager and on £7.20ph!!! Was not offered that tho when I took the job! Luckily starting a new job soon and earn some proper money.


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