What duties do nursery deputy managers have?


Q – “What duties do deputy managers have in a nursery setting”


A – “In my experience almost everything the manager does and everything room leaders do. It’s essentially 2 jobs with no extra time”

A – “Rotas, show arounds, phone queries, checking the different rooms planning, checking learning journeys up to date, assessments, assisting new staff, day to day running of the nursery when managers not in….”

A – “I oversee progress reviews, planning and next steps, identify gaps in learning, produce cohort progress reports, give help and guidance for best practice, run sessions in my managers absence and am always counted in ratio. I am also one of two safeguarding officers so I am responsible for making sure that all accident reports/safeguarding incidents/absences/parent conversations etc are recorded by key workers. The responsibility rests heavy on the shoulders of a deputy”

A – “Similar duties has the manager in addition to either still having a key group or being head of room. Supernumerary in the absence of manager and if your lucky in the role also supernumerary while over seeing all the rooms in the setting.”

A – “Non exhaustive, just whatever needs doing! My manager and I are often ‘counsellors’ as well as mucking out our two miniature donkeys every day! Depends on your setting!”

A – “I was responsible for all students & training when I was a deputy manager .”



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