What should I include in a staff behaviour policy?


Q – “I’ve looked online and can’t find much guidance on creating a STAFF BEHAVIOUR POLICY for early years workers. Can anyone direct me to a template I can use please? I just want to make sure I’ve included everything I should do. Most of the things are covered in other policies but I’ve been asked to create a specific one.”



A – Check Early Years Scotland. They are a membership organisation with fantastic resources, policies and procedures all regularly updated and downladable.

A – We have a code of conduct that every staff member has to sign and then this gets place in their personal folders plus a copy to take home.

A – Try searching staff code of conduct 🙂 that’s what ours is called and I was able to find examples on internet.

A –  Look for code of conduct policies, it’s more or less the same thing.

A – Code of conduct is more professional than Staff Behaviour. I’d take offence if I was given a policy by this name.

A – If you look up the SSSC there is codes of practice on there, and how staff are to behave.

A – Try for code of conduct policy.


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